fishless cycle no nitrite


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
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virginia beach, virginia
Hey guys, I followed all the rules. I got my 5ppm ammonia in about 5 days but nitrite stays at 0. I have been still adding the pure ammonia, but I dont want to add to much. Should I stop adding or keep adding til I get nitrite spike?
Hi! And welcome to the forum!

When fishless cycling, I always try to add enough to bring the ammonia to 5 ppm. I Don't add any more untill it drops. Adding a source of bacteria helps, like gravel or filter media from an established tank, ofr Bio-Spira if you have access to it. It will take a bit of time for the ammo to drop w/o a bacteria source, but it will eventually happen, so just be patient!

You should have initially added enough to reach 5ppm, then noted that number, then continued to add that every day, for the strongest cycle. If you are using the 5 drops per day method, that's usually not enough unless you have lab grade ammonia and a small tank, although it will still cycle, it just may not be able to handle a full fishload when you are done. (You may wish to add a little fish food once a week or so, so that the organic conversion bacteria also establishes.) Once you see nitrites (and don't worry if you don't see nitrite for several weeks), half your daily dose and add that every day until both ammonia and nitrite are zero. Then do a large water change to get the nitrates down to something reasonable (i shoot for under 20ppm) and then you can get your fish.
I know that but since he seems so impatient for his nitrite to begin to register, I wondered if he was using a bacteria source.

I did not say he needed one, just asked if he used one :blink:
So I have a cycle started, I am also at the ammonia stage not dropping, would it be beneficail to add bacteria from an established tank, or does it not really matter since it will be estabilshed eventually from the cycle I'm doing.

Also how long does it take for algae to develop within the tank? I feel dumb asking but I have no idea of a time frame for a decent amount of it to build up.

_]im said:
So I have a cycle started, I am also at the ammonia stage not dropping, would it be beneficail to add bacteria from an established tank, or does it not really matter since it will be estabilshed eventually from the cycle I'm doing.

Also how long does it take for algae to develop within the tank? I feel dumb asking but I have no idea of a time frame for a decent amount of it to build up.

It will work either way but if you add a bacteria source it will be significantly quicker...which can't be abd. ;) do you have an established tank handy? I don't know about the algae though. do you particularly want algae?? :unsure:

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