Just starting the fishless cycle and although I understand the concept, when I've sat down and started to do it I'm just a bit confused. I've added ammonia and the test kit now reports, as best as I can compare the colours, @ 5ppm. If I understand the process, I now need to keep adding the same amount of ammonia, but I'm not sure when to half the amount, will this be when I first detect nitrite or do I go to half when the nitrite reading starts to drop, i.e. it's peaked. Should I start looking for nitrita straight away or can I wait a few days?
Also as a point of interest, the tank I've got is 180 litres and it took @ 140 drops of ammonia to get the 5ppm, is this about right!
Also as a point of interest, the tank I've got is 180 litres and it took @ 140 drops of ammonia to get the 5ppm, is this about right!