Fishless cycle completed in 10 days


Fish Fanatic
May 10, 2004
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Just had to share that I finished my first ever fishless cycle in 10 days and we added fish last night. Details of the cycle can be found via the link in my sig.

Am thinking of getting 6 cory cats today as I miss my old ones that died when the last tank recycled after moving. :byebye:
Right on,daisy! I've never done one but I tried once and it didn't go well for me. :*)

You'll have plenty more options even with the cories, it's so fun to stock!! :hyper:
I'm going on my 17th day of fishless cycling, with still no positive readings in my nitrite, or nitrate. My ammonia is holding at about 5ppm.
To complicate matters even more. I took 3 samples of my tank water to the LFS where I bought a couple things from. They tested for ammonia in one tube, nitrite in another, but they didn't have a nitrate kit, so they couldn't test for nitrates.
I then took 3 more samples to another LFS. According to their test results, my tank water is showing 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, and 0ppm nitrate. Now I'm totally confused.
How can that be, when I've been adding 4 teaspoons of ammonia to my tank water since June 6th?
Gratz Daisycat! :thumbs:

Panther1505, what were the test results from 2 tests run at the first LFS?
Panther - it must be really frustrating for you, not helped by the inconsistent test results from various places. I wish I could say what is happening but I am at a bit of a loss to be honest. I think our tank went so quickly as it was very well seeded, so hopefully if you continue as you are your patience you will be rewarded.

PS. Got the corys and they are resting up in the 30g at the moment. 2 albinos, 2 peppered and 2 bronze...they are too cute!
The test results from the first LFS were,

Ammonia = 4-5ppm

Nitrite = 0ppm


Yes it is very frustrating to me, and I don't know how much longer I can be patient. It's been 18 days now, with not even the slightest hint of a rise in the nitrite level.
Every day when I add the ammonia and run the tests with no results, I can't help thinking about a friend of mine who has a 36 gallon tank. She put the gravel in, a few artificial plants, a couple of rock formations and all the equipment necessary. She filled it with water, let it sit for a few day, added a couple of tetras, a few day later added a couple more fish, then a couple more. She told me that she only lost 3 fish.
I know that it sounds mean, and we don't want to lose any fish, but I'm starting to think that maybe I should have just done what my friend did.
Good for you daisycat! Hooray!!! :kana:

Panther, It took 27 days to get a nitrite reading in my 75 gal tank. I was frustrated because I thought it wasn't cycling, but I listened to the folks on here and waited it out and voila, it is cycling. So my frustration has gone by the wayside. I know I have a long way to go, but the reward will be worth the wait.

You may want to take enough water for two LFS's to do readings, plus take your own reading when you take out the water. This should give you a better idea if there is consistency across the readings.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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