Fishless Cycle - Ammonia Help !


New Member
May 1, 2010
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New to all of this. After reading lots of info on here, I've embarked on a fishless cycle, for my new 30L tank.

I put ammonia into the tank on Mon 07/06/10, then went on holiday for 2 weeks.

Have been back for 2 weeks now, and tested the tank twice, but my Ammonia is still 8+ PPM

I would have thought that by now (3 weeks later), the ammonia should have started to drop.

Exact readings...

22/06 28/06
Ammonia 8 8
Nitrite 0 0
Nitrate 20 30

The tank is running around 26C.

Will greatly appreciate any help/advice


Hiya, 8ppm is way too high! I should do a very large water change to try and get it down. It should be 4-5 ppm. Any more than that will create the wrong bacteria.

I think the wate change is the best thing to do. I don't know if you might have to rinse the filter under tap water and start again. One of the more experienced people will advise you on that though :)
Hi Lee,

Unfortunately it can take a while, I think it generally drops within 2 weeks but it varies to more and less. A problem here though is that when you dose more than 8ppm it encourages the wrong type of ammonia processing bacteria to develop. Ideally you should be doing the add and wait method dosing 5ppm.

What I would do now if I were you would be to do a waterchange to get to 5ppm of ammonia (or 4ppm if its easier to test). Then start testing everyday to see whether the ammonia is dropping. 24 hour testing is good so that you can see progress easily. I'd also post these results in an easy to read thread on here, there are plently around if you need any examples of what to do.

edit: caz beat me to it :p

You don't have to rinse the filter though

Thanks for the quick reply. I've just done a 50% water change, and will test again tomorrow night, doing another water change if required.

Another quick question. My tank has an internal filter. What is the best practice when doing a water change with regards the filter. Is it ok to be out of water for a few minutes, or should it be lowered in the tank,so that its always in water?

Yeah try to keep the filter media wet with tank water at all times if you can.
Stick it in a bucket of tank water for big changes otherwise shove it down below water level

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