Fishkeeping Books....


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
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San Antonio, TX U.S.A.
I would love to learn more and more about fishkeeping! :D I have some spare time :X so i want to read some fish keeping books, dont have any, but which ones have you Pro fishkeeping guys/gals B) have read that have tought u alot? I would like books that would teach me alot of in depth things, not just the basics about freshwater, marine, plants, etc...I want to learn more! Must feed my marine spunge brain! :p Well, any recommendations would be great! :D Thanks! have a good one! :)
i actually prefer to search the web for info as it is usually more up to date then books. plus, you can easily get the opinion of different people quite fast while a book will only give you the opinion of the author.

just my 2 cents
I love books.

The Tankmaster range of books are good. They're very easy to understand and cover a lot. Although they are quite slim. They've got loads of books for loads of topics (EG: Water quailty, Tropical fish, coldwater fish, plants).

My favourite book (Mainly due to the amazing pictures in it) is The complete aquarium guide ISBN 3-8290-1736-7 It covers freshwater, trops, brackish, water quality, fish biology, food, breeding, diseases & treatments, invertebrates, plants (growing & reproduction), building your own aquarium, equipment. So yeah, it's a pretty good book. ;)

If you want to get a book that'll be indepth though, go for specific books (IE a marine book) so sorry but I have no references for marine. Good luck on your search.
Baensh Atlases are invaluable for basic info
The Aqualog series of books on various species is a must for identification purposes.
A great begginer book is "Aquariums For Dummies."
I have that book and I use to refer to it alot.
No i don't need to, but It helped me alot when I was new to the hobby.

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