Fishing in the Flex


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 16, 2008
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I have often said I love the simplicity of the setup but...
When I got mine I bought some third party covers for the vents because the CPD can get through the standard ones. I used to leave the top one open and the shrimp could come and go as they please - I actually had a community living in the back (CPD never go to the surface so would not go through).
Recently I have had to fish several CPD out of the back and discovered my cover had disintegrated. Fair enough its over 5 years old so I replaced it and tried to remove all the fish. Every so often I see one and have to fish it out - sticking my hand in is much easier than trying to move a net around in there. I also syphon from the filter compartment for w/cs so occasionally find one in my bucket. The covers were replaced about a month ago and I thought I had finally cleared out the back. Today I spotted a CPD out of the corner of my eye. I double checked my covers to verify there is no way in. Then I removed the heater from compartment 1 to start fishing. There was one massive shrimp and he came out with no fuss. The CPD darted though into compartment 2 under the sponge. I shone a torch into compartment 3 and there he was. So I removed the pump and eventually caught him and re-united him with the group.

I put everything back together and returned to my desk. Then I glanced over at the tank. In compartment 1 was a CPD watching me 🤬.
A job for another day!
Or do I just remove the covers and leave them to it?
I have often said I love the simplicity of the setup but...
When I got mine I bought some third party covers for the vents because the CPD can get through the standard ones. I used to leave the top one open and the shrimp could come and go as they please - I actually had a community living in the back (CPD never go to the surface so would not go through).
Recently I have had to fish several CPD out of the back and discovered my cover had disintegrated. Fair enough its over 5 years old so I replaced it and tried to remove all the fish. Every so often I see one and have to fish it out - sticking my hand in is much easier than trying to move a net around in there. I also syphon from the filter compartment for w/cs so occasionally find one in my bucket. The covers were replaced about a month ago and I thought I had finally cleared out the back. Today I spotted a CPD out of the corner of my eye. I double checked my covers to verify there is no way in. Then I removed the heater from compartment 1 to start fishing. There was one massive shrimp and he came out with no fuss. The CPD darted though into compartment 2 under the sponge. I shone a torch into compartment 3 and there he was. So I removed the pump and eventually caught him and re-united him with the group.

I put everything back together and returned to my desk. Then I glanced over at the tank. In compartment 1 was a CPD watching me 🤬.
A job for another day!
Or do I just remove the covers and leave them to it?
(Take it there isnt anything in the tank whats making them feel safer in the back?) They must feel safe to keep going in there otherwise so as long as no harm can be done id just remove the covers and let them have their little secret getaway🤣
No. There are sharp bits in the chambers for holding the heater and Fluval's add on baskets. But they are not strong swimmers and I worry they'll get sucked into the pump, seen a few shredded shrimp in the past
I sometimes find Amano Shrimp in my canister filter! I have a skimmer top which is how I think they get in but the shape of my outlet pipe for them to get in is pretty impressive! Sometimes though its impossible not to get fish in kit - when I first started I used to use those Interpet internal filters and there were so many holes and grooves on them small fish always found their way in.

Can you use any kind of mesh to cover the grate? Ive seen people grow really good moss walls in Flex's which I bet would help as well.

I sometimes find Amano Shrimp in my canister filter! I have a skimmer top which is how I think they get in but the shape of my outlet pipe for them to get in is pretty impressive! Sometimes though its impossible not to get fish in kit - when I first started I used to use those Interpet internal filters and there were so many holes and grooves on them small fish always found their way in.

Can you use any kind of mesh to cover the grate? Ive seen people grow really good moss walls in Flex's which I bet would help as well.

I have now. I suspect the fish left in there have been in for some time. Down side of the design is there are a lot of nooks and crannies in the back to hide. Fish always come out of there healthy, proving they don't need light. Obviously they are getting (enough) food off the filter sponge - because the new grate is too small to even let food through, at least visible food.
As far as I can tell everyone is back in the main tank now. Got the last CPD during today's water change. The compartments are separated when you drop the water level by 75%. Emptied all the compartments (heater, pump, sponge)and shone a torch in there after I had caught him. Still have MTS in the back but no fish or RCS. I really don't mind if the shrimp go over the back, although they don't seem to.

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