Hi peoples! My boyfriend bought me three new serpae tetras last night, and when I first looked at them they had a goldish colored body. After putting them in my tank, they almost immediately changed to a rosy pinkish-red color and have an almost glowing pink stripe down their sides, and have stayed that way. Today I had to go back to my lsf to get some meds for a sick fish and I just happened to walk past the serpaes again, and they were the goldish color. Is it common for fish to change color? Or are the ones at the pet store just stressed out, or maybe it's the lighting they use? I've never had this happen before...not that I'm complaining...they look absolutely gorgeous with their pink colors. If you wanna see them I have a thread in the pictures section here.
the pink colors are their natural colors. The gold color is the way they look when they are stressed. Many fish fade when they are stressed and these guys are no different. But i agree they are nice looking fish.
Thats kinda what I thought...I had heard that fish turned kinda transparent when they are stressed, but thanks for clearing this up for me once and for all tstenback. I'm glad that they are going to stay this color...the gold is nice but it doesn't hold a candle to the pink!