January 2017 Tank of the Month!


Staff member
Jun 28, 2016
Reaction score
Austin, TX
fishforums-toftm-jpg.82047 is proud to announce the January 2017 Tank of the Month Contest!

How do I enter?
Post one photo or video in this thread along with a nice detailed write-up of your tank. The write up should include a good description of your tank, water parameters, tank maintenance procedures, feeding schedules, etc.

* You must be the owner of the tank.
* Video can be uploaded to youtube, and then a link to the video may be posted in this thread.
* Only one photo will be allowed, so make it your best!
* A description is required!

The deadline for entries is Feb 3rd, 2017 at 03:00 PM EST. The winner will be voted upon by Members.. Good luck everyone, and may the best Tank win!

What do I win?
The winner will receive a $25.00 USD Amazon Gift Card. If Amazon is unavailable in your area then we'll issue a $25.00 USD Gift sent via Paypal.

Everyone is welcome to participate, so jump right in and enter today!
Here is my most recent tank... If only Fintello will comply...

4 gallon Baby BiOrb aquarium, new as of a month ago. Fully cycled with large gravel and ceramic media, as well as one Anubias Nana plant and several beautiful red plants which I have forgotten the name of. Home to one beautiful (marbled) male Betta named Fintello.
Water parameters:
Nitrate 20 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Ammonia 0 ppm
pH 7.6
GH 400-500
Chlorine 0 (just thought I'd add. It's on my test strips.)

Tested with strips for all but the ammonia, which is an API ammonia kit.

Vacuumed once a week, fed twice a day except on Wednesdays and Saturdays, which are fast days.

Naturally, I hope this wins. However, GOOD LUCK to all contestants and CONGRATS to the winner... which most likely won't be me. ;)

P.S.: Next month you'll get to see my year old tank... looking forward to entering it!
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Haha, thanks, SnailPocalypse. Between getting Finn to comply (Finn is short for Fintello) and typing through the glitchyness of my phone's keyboard, that whole post took 10 minutes to put up. ;)

Just kidding, that only took 5 minutes. :fun:
Haha I may enter my new rescaped 10 gallon as he one from last contest was iffy my only problem is its not fully planted yet well fully planted just not grown in
so will probaly wait til the 2nd or 1st to enter just to give the plants a little while

TOTM February entry.
10gallon rescape.
1 ivory apple snail
8 Neon tetras
1 albino cory catfish
Plants:Anubias nana(on driftwood)
Water wisteria and one staurogyne repens
Food:Bloodworms and flakes
Catfish food:Hikari sinking catfish wafers.
Snail food:Algae wafers
Lighting 12 wattflourescent bulb
Fertilization:Flourish comprehensive
Substrate:Black gravel
Length of time tank has been running:One year.
Excuse the rubber band as that is from me trying to get the anubias to stick and the snail is hiding behind the wood with the anubias.
Good luck all!

EDIT:Tank parameters are as follows:ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ph 6.9
as I got it tested at my cousins
Also the gravel is vacummed once every week on sunday and on the rare accasion twice or even three times each week.Water change is 20% of water.
Better than last time

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1 albino cory catfish
These need to be in groups of 6 or more and that gravel is unsuitable for them.

Why is your water so cloudy?

My 2 foot jungle.
3 Female Bettas
1 Baby BN pleco
Lots of shrimp
Malaysian Trumpet snails, Lots

Ph 7.2
Temp 28 c
Water Changes 50% once a week.
Vacuuming of substrate, Never.
Additives, Easy Life Fluid Filter media and Indian almond leaf, I do not use any ferts.
Filter, Sponge.
Lighting Beamworks High lumen 60, this runs for 6 hours a day.
Aqua One LED Mini Touch LED 6w Touch Clip On, This runs in the afternoon and a few hours at night because its not as bright. This is the light that is on in the photo.

The lights are on a timer the little light comes on at 9.30 am till 11 am, then the big light kicks in as the little one goes out and stays on till 6 pm, then the little light kicks in till 9 pm.
Getting the timers right was a nightmare.

Beamswork HI-LUMEN 60 Aquarium LED Light 60cm 2FT 24W Bright

Aqua One LED Mini Touch LED 6w Touch

easyheater - Aquael

NEW Practical Aquarium Biochemical Sponge Filter Fish Shrimp Tank

Easy-Life Filter Medium — English
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I know about the cory issue and my water is cloudy cause was a lot of stuff that came up when some plants uprooted so thats why.
View attachment 82590 Here is my most recent tank... If only Fintello will comply...

4 gallon Baby BiOrb aquarium, new as of a month ago. Fully cycled with large gravel and ceramic media, as well as one Anubias Nana plant and several beautiful red plants which I have forgotten the name of. Home to one beautiful (marbled) male Betta named Fintello.
Water parameters:
Nitrate 20 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Ammonia 0 ppm
pH 7.6
GH 400-500
Chlorine 0 (just thought I'd add. It's on my test strips.)

Tested with strips for all but the ammonia, which is an API ammonia kit.

Vacuumed once a week, fed twice a day except on Wednesdays and Saturdays, which are fast days.

Naturally, I hope this wins. However, GOOD LUCK to all contestants and CONGRATS to the winner... which most likely won't be me. ;)

P.S.: Next month you'll get to see my year old tank... looking forward to entering it!
very cute little tank and a gorgeous fish.
There is an excellent feature of the Fluval Fx6 Filter. People will be highly benefited if they use this device. I hope the aquarium lover will definitely fall in love to use this device.

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