Fishforums Blocked At Work


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
London, England

Is there an alternative URL I can use to access ?

My work has started blocking anything with "forum" in the address.

Seeing as how every single page starts with, I would think that any attempt at entering the site would be a failure.

I know there are sites that help bypass the programs that block ites... perhaps someone can help you out with that.

I believe megaproxy was a site that works, but nto sure...
have you thought that maybe your bosses want you to actualy earn the money they pay you by working, rather than to pay you for surfing?
have you thought that maybe your bosses want you to actualy earn the money they pay you by working, rather than to pay you for surfing?

I admire the concept... don't tell everyone though, as this will have a serious impact on the welfare of my fish. My recent slacking at work due to lack of motivation has seriously improved the life of the fish that I keep. :hey:

I suggest such comments are kept to a minimum.. :good: :fun: :p :D :hyper:

LOL. I believe Wolf has a point. Your bosses are obviously noticing a rise in personal use of their computers. Im sure they have the right to stop you using boards, whilst they pay you to "work".
lol...change your job...go full time working at an Lfs then u can kill 2 birds with one stone ! and also get mega loads ov fish at discount prices thrown in ! :lol:
We have a web filter here, and it blocks your usual, adult sites, betting, online games, web mail etc.
However, there was a way round it.

You can go to and use their babelfish feature.
Set it to translate from a language to English. This should mask the url and any further. I've not tested this yet though.

EDIT: yes, it works, bit slow, but it works. Don't know how far in you'll be able to go, before it recognises a url as forum.

Anyway, stop surfing and work, before the worlds economy collapses around our ears!
And what about at school? I mean, I have (well, had) better things to do than pay attention in chem class and do the labs--the important thing being surfing the web.

Also, I'm sure there are plenty of jobs where multitasking does not hurt one's overall performance, provided that one did a good job to begin with and can juggle the workload and the foruming.
Thanks - I'll try these and some others while I have my lunch today.

A random comment:
A key skill for the self-righteous is to at least hear the whole story before passing judgement.
Not trying to pass judgement, I just hope you're not violating any work policy and get into trouble.
You can google some url masking devices which work online, or you could just find a "domain converter" and find the ip which the domain is masking, from then on you will just need to use the ip of the site insted of the domain.
websites are blocked for a reason :/ and theres nothing to misjudge unless you get paid for browsing TFF :no:
Rather than Altavista for those that are lazy I would think Google image with the frame left on would work faster.

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