hello .. im new to this site and have a question. i have a 10 gallon tank and i have 4 gold barbs and 1 small catfish. i wanted to know what else can i put in that will add color and perhaps a happy group of fish.. ne ideas would be great.. thanks
The rule seems to be 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. How big will your catfish get as you have to calculate as per adult fish. If he's only going to be a couple of inches at full size, I reckon you could get away with say another type of barb, say, cherry barbs, they're nice, or a smallish shoal of tetras, 6 neons? Barbs can nip fins so it's not a good idea to mix them with slower swimming fish with flowing fins ie angels, guppies. Hope this helps and welcome to the forums, it's very friendly here.
thanks.. the catfish is small. i would say the size of my thumb. do u know of a place were i can get cherry barbs? also putting neons inside would think think they may get ruff with the gold barbs. i have had the barbs for about 3 years and whatever else i put in seem to die. i think they have somthing to do with it..
I don't think neons get aggressive, they're smaller than barbs. The barbs can be aggressive to other fish though and if they have had the tank to themselves for 3 years they may resent new fish. Try other barbs of a similar size. Don't know where you are from but cherry barbs are in my lfs from time to time. You could also try moving plants and decor around so your barbs think the tank is new. May diffuse some aggression when adding new fish.
i like rosy and cherry barbs. they look and seem very nice. i dont have that many fish stores that would carry them around here. have you ordered fish online before. i would rather not but just wanted to ask.
I've ordered from 'Trimar' in cornwall. They deliver day after ordering. I got a sajica cichlid and she was fine. £10 delivery though so it's best to do either a big order or get together with a friend/friends and share delivery cost.
i live in new jersey... after work today i am going to go to the fish store on the way home and look for rosy or cherry barbs.. if not what would be your 2nd suggestion.
yesterday i bought 3 rummy noses and 3 small black tetra's i woke up today and 1 rummy noise was already dead... i am going back and since the rummy noises were 4.99 each i am going to get black tetra's instead. they are black with a yellow stripe on them.. almost look like a mini angel fish
You shouldn't add anything. Gold barbs get to 4 inches and should be in a group of at least 6-7. Your 10 gallon is over-stocked as it is and the fish should be re-homed or moved to a larger tank. The reason new fish die might be 'old tank syndrome' which you can find a link to in my signature.