

Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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This will probally be my last question until I actually go buy the fish in a couple weeks. I'm not too picky about what type of fish I have in the tank because they all look cool to me. I would just like some suggestions on what tropical fish I could put into my tank, it doesn't matter if its a community tank or not. I would just like some suggestions. I have a 30 gallon vertical hexagon tank. Thanks in advance.
Are you doing a fishless cycle or using hardy fish.
I'm not sure, I've never done a fishless cycle, I never seem to have any big problems with ammonia. So assume both cases, heh. Thanks.
Read the link in my sig.

Then go for platies as they are hardy, colorful livebearers that are ideal for someone with a new tank. Add them slowly, 2 at a time, and always make sure you have at least 2 females to every male. Males have a rod-like anal fin called a gonopodium, females have a fan-shaped anal fin. They will breed and you'll find you have lots of baby fish but don't occupy yourself with them. Some will survive, the rest will get eaten. Don't worry about them and sell/give away any excess fry so that you do not end up over-stocked. You can have about 15 platies in your tank all in all but you may want to consider a couple of otos once your tank has cycled to get rid of algae and leave space for the fry so keep the number of platies you actualy stock to around 7 for the time being. Good luck!

Now read the link in my sig. :)
Sounds like a good idea if I do it that way.. is there anyway to do that but with a community of fish, is there an order of types of fish that should be introduced after a certain amount of time the tank has been running? Any other ideas would be appreciated too. Sorry if your confused about what I said I'm a bit out of it today.
Is there a certain type and number of fish I should put in a tank at first. Like danios, tetras, guppies, platies? Also what order would be best to introduce them into the tank.
Assuming 4-5 danios, a few tetras, a few platies and maybe a few guppies. How does that sound?
.Also what types of plants would be good to start off with?
A good guideline for stocking is one inch of fish per gallon. Always use the adult sizes of the fish to calculate and keep in mind their activity levels and the like. I've already replied to another post of yours concerning the order to put the fish in but seeing as the tank is a hex I'd skip the danios which need lots of swimming space. Start off with the platies. Put in 2 and wait 6 weeks. Test your water for ammonia/nitrItes and nitrAtes and do water changes when they get too high. By the end of the 6 weeks you should have 0 ammonia/nitrIte and this should always remain steady as this is the only safe level of these substabces for your fish. Add the guppies next and the tetras last. Livebearers like platies and guppies must always be kept at a ratio of at least 2 females to every male or the male will harass the female often to death. Tetras should be kept in a school of at least 6. Neons, if you decide to get those, are fragile and require a mature tank.

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