

New Member
Apr 26, 2004
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I have one platy in a ten gallon tank.

I want to add more platies, 1 female betta, mollies.

Is this alright
The mix of fish should get along OK, but you have to consider that 10 gallons isn't a lot of space. Myabe 5 fish of those types would work in that tank. But another thing you have to keep in mind is that platys and mollys are livebearers, so you might be overrun woth younguns before too long!
They should get along fine. The general rule of thumb is 1" of fish per gallon, so you could have 10" of fish in a 10 gallon. That's only a couple of mollies and platys and then your algae eater or you'll be overstocked. Good luck. ;)
I agree. You should be alright but start with just a few fish. I know from experience that the babies of livebearers can over run you! :*)
Just a word of caution... if you're planning on mixing the genders of your platies and mollies... make sure you get more females than males! I made the mistake initially of getting one of each. Big mistake. The male platy was constantly after the female. She got so stressed she hid for days. I added three more females and all was right with the world again!! :p

have fun!!

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