Fish Fanatic
I ahve a 55 gallon tank with 3 clown loaches, one afrcian cichlid, two bala sharks, two red talied sharks, and one pleco.
All the fish are hanging out in one small zone of the tank not venturing to the other 3/4 of the tank. I have great circulation on both sides and vegetation and hiding spots on both sides. The temp in the tank is 75 F (23.8).
They seem to hang out on the side of the heater element.
Is this normal behavior?
All the fish are hanging out in one small zone of the tank not venturing to the other 3/4 of the tank. I have great circulation on both sides and vegetation and hiding spots on both sides. The temp in the tank is 75 F (23.8).
They seem to hang out on the side of the heater element.
Is this normal behavior?