Fish You Have Always Wanted But.........


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2004
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johnstone, scotland
they are a few fish over the years be it small or large that i have alwasy wanted but up here in the outer realm of scotland i have never seen them for sale in LFS shops,


hi fin banded shark

gobies (only ever seen bumble bee)

certain L nim plecs etc

really annoying when you head out to the lfs with your heart set on trying to find something you want or at least a wee bit special, but to no avail, thats why i am thinking of trying the mail order

think u need to do mail order for L number plecs,
hi fin banded shark
That's probably because they are illegal to keep here now, without a licence for both you and the LFS to sell them :good: .

You can always ask your LFS to order things in right? Or theres the internet? Trimar send fish "All over the UK".
Failing that, take a trip down here for the fish shops :).
without a licence for both you and the LFS to sell

Sorry kind of off topic but does and LFS need a license too, I only ask because I know that a reptile shop doesn't need a license to sell venomous snakes much like a Gun shop doesn't need a gun license. Is this not the same for fish shops?
I have a long list of fish I'd like to keep but can't right now for one reason or another. Topping the list in size is a Red Tailed Catfish. One day... when I have an indoor swimming pool sized tank. :p More realistically, various L-number plecs, Cories and some shelldwellers.
Sorry kind of off topic but does and LFS need a license too, I only ask because I know that a reptile shop doesn't need a license to sell venomous snakes much like a Gun shop doesn't need a gun license. Is this not the same for fish shops?
Apparently so, they made it illegal to sell a lot of common coldwater fish in the hobby...
Though with rosy red minnows, the LFS only need a licence, not you (yay! :D).

Though I'm kinda sceptical that you can legally sell guns or venomous snakes without a licence, it just doesn't make any sense :blink: .
Because if that's the case, why bother with any licences? You could just import them and say you were going to sell them! :huh: .
What makes you think these shops don't have a licence?
Apparently so, they made it illegal to sell a lot of common coldwater fish in the hobby...
Though with rosy red minnows, the LFS only need a license, not you (yay! :D).

Though I'm kinda sceptical that you can legally sell guns or venomous snakes without a licence, it just doesn't make any sense :blink: .
Because if that's the case, why bother with any licences? You could just import them and say you were going to sell them! :huh: .
What makes you think these shops don't have a licence?

Well I don't have anything to do fire arms so know very little about that but there is a reptile shop here and I have got to know the guy pretty well. He actually does own a DWA license ,although he is one of only a couple in Scotland and when you get the lisence to stock exotic animals in a shop you are automatically entitled to stock any animal you want( even if it is on the DWA) obviously very few shops do as the person buying the animal does have to have one. To attract the customers in shop has a couple of rattle snakes and a gaboon viper and even an a caiman. The guy has to put stupid prices on them so that people don't buy them as they are part of his private collection. So yeah thats apparently how it works.

And as an owner of fire arms he compared it to that but I can't explain anything about them.
fish I want cant but cant get?

Snakeskin Gourami, VERY difficult to get these days in OZ
Black Shark, space :(
Green Tefe Discus, Havnt seen :(
Dwarf Pike Cichlids, possible not availible in australia (laws)
Red Tailed Catfish, space and price

Killer Whale :wub: (maybe I should just move to NW US/Canada)

I had the pleasure of finally seeing a red-tailed catfish yesterday. They're nice looking. I bought a feeder guppy in the tank because he was pretty. XD

Hmm... my LFS has a bunch of fish. I can't think of any fish I've wanted to see that aren't there.
Always wanted some silver/red tench (for large freshwater tank or my pond), ivw only had one report of them in the uk and they were 200 miles away from where i live
my most wanted fish is devario regina Queen danio.
I've only been looking for this for 2 years with no luck :(
I'd give up all my other danio species for these guys

Also Emporer botias Botia Sp. emporer and
polypterus Sp. Goldust

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