Fish With Tb: What To Do?


New Member
Nov 9, 2005
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So I wasn't paying close enough attention when I found this really bizarrely colored betta at a lfs. When I got it home and put it in a bowl, I noticed that he looked a little "crooked" and was very thin. Pretty sure he is a TB fish. I noticed him originally because he is opaque and has a "mohawk" of red going from his head to tail. White fish with a red stripe along his topline.

He is obviously pretty young, great appetite, and will flare up a storm if I put a mirror up to his bowl.

What should I do with him? If I had known he had TB I wouldn't have bought him. Now that I have him, I am concerned. I am considering euthanizing him but hesitate for one: because I have never done that before. And two: he is still 'happy'.

What would you do?
I'd try giving him some antibiotic food, that's the only thing I've ever had any luck with... beyond that, I'm afraid there's not much you can do. Just watch him... he could easily live happily for a few more months depending on how much the disease has progessed and how much good the antibiotics do, but there may come a time in the future when euthanasia is the kindest option :/

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