Fish with personalities


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Peterlee County Durham
Hi there
Im looking to change over my tank and want to keep a fish or two that have been known to have personalities.
Somethins that you can develop a bonding with.
Im looking into convicts at the moment but im having trouble getting my hands on one.
Can anyone suggest any of fish simlar to this?
my tank is 24inch long/18inch high and 12inch wide
I dont know if any hybrid would be suitable for this tank but thought id ask anyway

Thank you
hmm most cichlids are agressive so it would be an all cichlid tank, bettas have great personalitys, but they can be violent as well.... how about puffers?
I can't really think of anything other than cons or some other dwarf cichlids... festivums, maybe? Like GuppyDude said, bettas have great personalities, but I get the feeling you're looking for something larger... You could always order some cons online :nod:
theres oscars....they are aggressive and are best kept with their own kind, but if stupidity is a personality they have plenty of it :lol: most big fish are big for a reason, they eat smaller fish, and anything that eats smaller fish will harass other fish.
GuppyDude said:
theres oscars....they are aggressive and are best kept with their own kind, but if stupidity is a personality they have plenty of it :lol: most big fish are big for a reason, they eat smaller fish, and anything that eats smaller fish will harass other fish.
His tank is too small for an oscar, but yeah, oscars are awesome... and not stupid! I resent that! :grr: :p
Mine seems very intelligent... he even gets bored and plays with toys! He has a rubber ducky and a cork bobber that he loves
GuppyDude said:
hmm most cichlids are agressive so it would be an all cichlid tank, bettas have great personalitys, but they can be violent as well.... how about puffers?
Bettas as violent as puffers :rofl: Theres a difference between a big all show bully (Bettas) and a bully with a weapon (Puffers) :p

Dwarf cichlids have plenty of personality, keyholes and bolivian rams are pretty hardy, you may wish to consider them :)
domino1804 said:
hi all thanks for all the replys but Im a she not a he :D :p
Whoooopsie, sorry about that :whistle:
I've found angelfish have great personalities but can usually live well in a community environment. My black marbled angel, Clarence, always comes over to speak to me and when I squish snails on the side of the tank, he is practically eating them out of my fingers now. :wub:
Can anyone suggest any of fish simlar to this?
my tank is 24inch long/18inch high and 12inch wide

Your tank sounds like a 20 gallon(US) and wouldn't be suited to any fish that is overly aggressive, unless it is the only fish in there. I would have to agree with Dwarfs, smaller cichlids like any of the rams would be fine or the other smaller "dwarf" species. You could put a couple pairs of dwarf gouramis in there or I would suggest getting about 4 to 6 of the larger tetra species (Congos come to mind) but with a tank that sized, you need to be carefull not to over-stock it with too many fish at on time. If you want to put a bottom dweller in there, make sure you don't get dooped in buying a common pleco because it would grew too large. Stay with either Otos or a dwarf pleco like a bristtle nose or a candy cane. I believe you tank is to small for an angle if you have other smaller fish in there because when the angle gets bigger, the small fish can disappear. I have had friends put a small angle in their tank only to find that their neons and guppies were being eaten by it. You could possibly put 2 dwarf puffers in there if it is heavily planted.

I hope this helps you make up your mind on what to put in it and good luck.

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