Fish-wish List


New Member
Oct 7, 2005
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Hi my fellow experienced reef keepers..

I have been busy tank building and equipment buying over the last few weeks and havnt given an exact thought to what I really want in my aquarium..

Well, ive sat down and come up with a brief list of some of the fish I wouldnt mind seeing in my aquarium... the only problem I think is the list is too long (always happens )

So could you guys possibly give me some feedback on fish I have chosen, good/combo's.. Definate no no's if any, or just general advice on what sort of order I should put them in, if any..

I should mention, soft corals and some inverts will be present id imagine.. dont think any of the below are non reef fish anyway..


My setup consists of, a 39 Gallon, 40 x 15 x 15 Display tank, and A 36 x 18 x 18 sump, giving me in total a water capacity of around 90 Gallons in total (if this makes a huge difference)

My Wishlist..

2 x Common Clownfish (Good Starting Point, More or less first additions for sure)
1/2 x Firefish
1 x Catalina Goby
1 x Flame or Lemon Peel Dwarf Angel (a late edition once the tank has matured I would think?)
1 x Foxface (not so sure this is a good idea but god I love this fish, my fav so far, so if their was a chance I could have on, I would)
1 x Spotted Mandarin Dragonet
1 x Royal Gamma Basslet

and possibly a number of blue chromis that would form a shoal of chromis bought together.. not sure how many id need, or if I would be overstocking for size of tank.. good advice needed.

Any input really appreciated, I couldnt see any immediate problems other than the possibility of too many fish.. but then again, their most certainly not going in all at once and il probably refine my choice to my fav's..

Thanks :D
Mandarins also should only be kept in a tank that has been fully set up for over 6 months-1 year.
And they are very hard to feed in a reef.
Clown Fish?? or clown loach?? if its clown loach you should put 3 together but not 2. Reason being that there is a possibility that one will bully the other, they are also very susceptible to ich!
Clown Fish?? or clown loach?? if its clown loach you should put 3 together but not 2. Reason being that there is a possibility that one will bully the other, they are also very susceptible to ich!
uhm... this is a saltwater tank he's talking about... in the saltwater forum...

so no... clownfish.

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