Fish who don't mix ? ... all depends


New Member
Jun 3, 2004
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As a matter of interest ..
your pet shop says .. don't mix angel fish with most of the others, nor Bettas with any of the others ...
it breaks your heart, you love them all and want them all .. :wub:

Here is a receipe .. 10 gallon tank .. a baby angelfish, a young male betta, 5 tetra black skirt, an upsidedown cat fish, 2 corys, 1 baby clown loach, 1 baby plecostomus .. all live in perfect harmony, well planted, with caves and hiding places.

Don't worry .. I will transfer them to another tank as they grow bigger ..

A tip : I always put my bettas in a 2 gallon tank divided in 2, hence 3 bettas and will know after a few days, if they are suited for life in a community .. you will observe they wish they could break through the glass to get at each other, there again they might not ... :whistle:

Tetra black skirts have beautiful long fins and will leave your betta and angel fish alone ... there again you need at least 3, as they are very playful and could get naughty if alone. :sly:

My next posting .. a 29 gallon
You needed more than just a 10 gallon to get the fish you have in there right now... :eek: :eek:
Hopefully, you're getting that bigger tank REAL soon or you'll have your fish so stressed you will start losing them. :( :(
This topic is gunna give alot of newbies really really really really bad ideas

(no offense)
Don't worry everybody ...

This nice community has been transferred into the 29 gallons I was telling you about ...
I stated the betta and the angelfish as an idea to start them right .. 10 gallons .. and young .. get used to each other .. and have not acquired the fighting spirit yet ..
I love my fish .. :wub: you don't think I would look at them getting tight in a 10 gallon tank for life ? Do you ? The 46 gallon tank is also waiting for some of them to be transferred into ..

In total I have 5 tanks .. different sizes .. planning on a bigger one again ..
Every comment is welcome as I am not ashamed to say ... I learnt the hard way, also know little as to how treating a betta ..

Can anyone tell me .. is ich medicine ok around bettas ? I have a baby clown loach, just got ich, in the same water as a betta, I hope the medicine won't affect the betta ... Do you know ? :dunno:
:* Thanks
Your clown loach will need a much bigger tank than a 29, a 55 still wouldn't be large enough. :/
The ick medicine will not hurt the betta. I just hope that your entire tank doesn't come down with the ick. Could be they got it from being too crowded in the 10 gallon. Keep medicating, remember to remove the carbon from your filter.
Good luck, keep us posted.. :D
annie-cv said:
I stated the betta and the angelfish as an idea to start them right .. 10 gallons .. and young .. get used to each other .. and have not acquired the fighting spirit yet ..
I don't know much about Angels, but bettas have the fighting spirit as fry...that's why the males and some females have to be seperated into jars as babies.

I agree with Nix...sorry, but the entire plan is not a good idea, neither the 10 or the 29 will handle those fish and you have schooling fish that are without a school. No one wins. Ich is a disease that is most often brought on by stress, that might be a clue to your problem.
Strange thing to add and sort of a miricle I guess. My friend took a male guppy in from me, (mean one tryed killing and did kill all other guppies in tank) and placed in 55 gal. Well in that tank is an adult Angel and a LARGE goldfish and a large pleco, also one glass fish. Get this, after about a month, the guppy is still alive and thriving, not eaten by angel. Also, platty of mine had babies, all babies still alive and surving the tetras and Ick medication. Wow... thinking I'll just raise fry with parents from now on, see I didn't plan on keeping them, but pet stores won't take till they are larger. Anyway, they are fine. Wow.

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