
I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
One of my godfish about an inch and a half just went through the syphon asa I was takeing watter out I always thought that if any of my fish ever got sucked up they'd be fine, but he is floating belly up, though still alive with no noticeable injuries, its in th ebucket it was syphoned into I'm thinking of putting him back intno the regular tanlk and maybe he'll right side up, or is it likely it has some internal damages. I don't know but any thoughts advice would be really apreciated quickly too please


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EDITEDSOEVERYONEWILLPAYMOREATTENTIONTOMYOTHEREMERGENCY->He is fine at about twelve o clock it was swimming around right side up so added it to the main tank and is al right, but very unexpected saw a swimbladder video posted here once looked exactly like that but it's fine now
You could of damaged his swim bladder, see how he goes,just let him rest in the dark so he doesn't get more stressed, good luck.
That's what i've been doing I've seem it swim now, and it kind of circles around as it does it, going to give him at least a day but if it's swim bladder I will have to euthrnize wont I?
give him quite a few days it could mend and some peas if he is eating, it's damaged it's swim bladder hope he pullls through, good luck.
I've seen fish swim funny like that for several days and still pull thru. I think people are to quick to want to end the "misery".
A fish that swims funny isn't necessarily suffering.

I have a Betta who lays on his side on the bottom because his swim bladder is so badly damaged from whatever he went through before I bought him. He couldn't swim horizontally at all when I bought him (with treatment, he can do so somewhat now). I had to make a couple perches for him in his tank so that he could be nearer the surface for air, but he's a very active, very healthy fish overall. He flares, he flirts, he builds bubblenests, he eats like a pig. He's a very happy fish...he just can't swim very well.
hows your fish doing now??? is it still ok i hope so ive nearly syphoned our nosey rummy noses & cardinals before & last week i was getting some tank water to mix a general tonic med for our tank............scooped a jug of water out went to the kitchen went out again to get the paragon stuff & 5 mins later noticed id scooped one of our black mollies out & she was swimming around in the jug looking a bit confused!!!!
millym said:
hows your fish doing now??? is it still ok i hope so ive nearly syphoned our nosey rummy noses & cardinals before & last week i was getting some tank water to mix a general tonic med for our tank............scooped a jug of water out went to the kitchen went out again to get the paragon stuff & 5 mins later noticed id scooped one of our black mollies out & she was swimming around in the jug looking a bit confused!!!!
that's the sort of thing i keep doing! :lol:
A goldfish! Man, thats rough. Sorry that happened to your fish. I had a harliquin swim right into the tube, and i was too slow and couldnt stop him, he got spat out into the bucket, and was normal! Still alive today! :p A goldfish might be a little diferent in that it is considerably larger, but give him a week and see if he starts showing signs of a damge swim bladder. :) Hope hes OK! :thumbs:

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