Fish Water

It depends on if the water is good water, I mean I wouldn't drink tank water that has a diseased fish inside. It has to be clean water. Why? Did you drink your tank water?
Guppylover said:
It depends on if the water is good water, I mean I wouldn't drink tank water that has a diseased fish inside. It has to be clean water. Why? Did you drink your tank water?
Nah i was doing a water change and i dont have proper tubing i jus use a hose pipe and i didnt pull away in time lol
I've done that, started the syphon with my mouth. Don't get much water in my mouth, though. Heard it can be bad for you, but I don't see how healthy fishes' water can be bad for you.
Aj86 said:
Guppylover said:
It depends on if the water is good water, I mean I wouldn't drink tank water that has a diseased fish inside. It has to be clean water. Why? Did you drink your tank water?
Nah i was doing a water change and i dont have proper tubing i jus use a hose pipe and i didnt pull away in time lol
My dad does that all the time with his salt water tanks :rolleyes:
Unless your Tank Is horribly infested with parasites and all your fish are dieing your water is brown...your water Has a horrible Smell........Then Nah you should be Ok :p

I accidently drank tank water when I was doing my first water change But I am still Kicken and breathing!! :p
No, this isn't bad for you (unless you drink a whole lot more than a little sip). For one thing, if the fish can live in it it can't have anything all that bad in it. And for another, most diseases that fish have/carry are not likely to be transmitted to people and vice versa. I wouldn't go having a glass or two of fish tank water, but at the same time I think the worst thing about drinking it would be the taste.

UGH I'm glad my siphon/gravel vacuum doesn't require that I put my mouth anywhere near the tubing. I don't think the fish water could hurt you but if you have any sort of mildew or mold growing in the tubing that you use to siphon, THAT could make you sick.
Anyone who's swum in a pond, lake, river or ocean knows you will live... doesn't mean it will taste good though...
if you are into plant keeping, and dont do anything with the fish water then it will be a very good idea to use it to water the plants becuase it contains the ammonia and nitrogen that plants need to make proteings.
i have afluval 3 and i cant affors to change the filtert much to i get a bucket of water and wash teh filter mediums in that and replace the sponges and pour the "dirty" water into my mums vase lol
luckly its a non seethrough one but since then they grow at a good rate and nearly touch the ceiling
no. but i wouldn't do it too often.

Anyways my old tank water gets put thou a filter system to i can re-useit. (i live on the meter so every bit helps) and so by the time it gets filterd it's just like tap water without the shlorine.

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