
New Member
Feb 5, 2004
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I had a small breakout of ICH in the tank, so I treated it with meds... and after 2 doses, I noticed that my chinese algae eater and my catfish were getting sick. I proceeded by treating the ICH with a temp of 83 and daily water changes of about 25% rather than using the medicine.

Throughout the ICH breakout, I saw tiny bits of flicking here and there but my fish remained healthy looking and relatively normal, with the exception of my silver molly (who was the fish that I originally saw the whitespot on).

Today I went to do a water change as usual, then went out for a few hours, came back (turned the light on to see how the fishies were doin), and noticed that both my catfish and my algae eater look lighter in colour. My algae eater looks VERY pale, almost white!

The ammonia and nitrates are good, ph is good, i put the tap-water conditioner in, the temp is still 83... I can't think of what could have triggered this, other than maybe the water change was too stressful (25% - 30% was too much?)
change out some more of your water to get rid of the ich medicine plecos do not like the ich medicine that you are using very well and besides the best way to get rid of ich is to turn the temp. up to 85 degrees and this will kill the ich faster than the medicines will any ways read your ich medicine and see if it is safe for scaless fish my guess that is what is the matter a water change will take care of your problem.
I already did that....

I only used the medicine twice and that was like a weeks ago... I've been doing daily water changes since.
Could your fish be getting lots of light? my catfish goes alot paler when that light has been on for a long time. other than that, i dunno :dunno:

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