Fish Tuberculosis


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2004
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I have a 20 gallon tank with some guppies, danios & platties. A few them looked a little sick so I thought I would read a few internet pages on fish disease. I learned about Fish TB and I must say I started to get a little worried.
I have over the year had a few guppies die with curved spines (not curved when I purchased them) all female although I heard that this is not uncommon in guppies. Not sure....
In the last few weeks 2 of my platties look like they are a bit unwell. Clamped fins, white spots (not small all over - 2 larger ones) around the eyes on one and generally look thinner then the others. They are still eating and have their moments when they are more quiet.
I must admitt my water changes were good but I did not replace the carbon filter for over 7 months. Didnt know ... now I do and I have put fresh carbon in and after 2 - 3 days they all seem happier and more energy.
My concern is that they have TB (from prior guppies) and having my arms in there regularly doing water changes I may have got it. I don't know if I have had any little cuts on my hands at the time. I have a small paper cut now and have had my hands in there.
I would be happy with any help as I love my fish but I must admitt I started to get a little less happy reading some of the horror stories out there. Some say all fish have it and it's only when they are stressed they get sick with it.
Thanks so much
It's not the same bacterium, but it also may be very difficult to treat (sometimes need antibiotic), if you get it. So, if you have cuts in your hands, don't put them in your tank - or use gloves...
Desley - unfortunately Finius is both right and wrong. Yes tuberculosis in fish is not the same as the disease in people known as tuberculosis, but it is closely related and CAN be passed to other animals including humans, this is quite rare.

Here is a very in depth article by someone who knows what they are talking abotu (unlike me), together with an addendum from someone unlucky enough to catch it.
Fish Tuberculosis

by Leslie Keefer
From Delta Tale, Vol. 32, #2. Potomac Valley Aquarium Society

At the ripe old age of nine, I won my first fish at a carnival. My hobby had begun, much to my mother's dismay. She was convinced that we were all going to catch a disease from my fish somehow. I always told her she was silly and you couldn't catch any diseases from fish. I have no intentions of admitting to her that she was right. Eighteen years later, I have encountered my first zoonotic disease. Currently I have a ten-gallon tank set up as a hospital tank harboring the piscine equivalent of tuberculosis. Most references actually call this disease Fish TB, but it is not actually TB and it is transmissible to animals other than fish. Fish TB is caused by Mycobacterium marinum, a bacterium closely related to the TB bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There are actually over fifty species of bacteria related to tuberculosis that can cause disease. They are typically able to live in any number of environments, in soil, water and animals.

I am a histotechnologist, which, to those of you unfamiliar with health care, is the person who takes tissue and turns it into stained slides for pathologists to use in their diagnoses. It is often difficult to diagnose M. marinum bacteria this way and often requires a culture. A typical lab wouldn't usually bother with all this for an aquarist, but being able to do my own lab work is one advantage to this profession. When I discovered what I thought to be TB in my tank, I made slides of a sick fish and luckily located the bacteria without having to go through the trouble of culturing. Mycobacteria are acid fast, which means they stain bright pink against a blue background.

For those of you without a histology lab at your disposal, the symptoms of Fish TB are usually wasting, lesions on the body, skeletal deformities (a few of mine developed curved spines), and loss of scales and coloration. This is a relentless disease. I have read that it is not considered treatable; however, I figured my 15-year-old Raphael catfish deserved a chance. Against the advice of my veterinarian, I have not euthanized my afflicted fish (over half died shortly after the disease bloomed anyway). The typical drugs for treating fish are the same as for humans, most often a combination of two drugs administered for at least three months. Currently I am trying Kanacyn (Kanamycin). Once the fish became emaciated I had no luck saving them. Traditional tricks for curing diseased fish, such as adding salt and raising the temperature, are ineffective and in the case of the raising temperature may even be detrimental. The bacteria grow better in warmer water; their optimum temperature is 30°C. They have no problem with salt either; they can infect saltwater fish as well as freshwater.

Mycobacterium marinum is considered slow growing, meaning it will take about two to three weeks for symptoms to develop after initial contact. People do not often become infected, although it is possible. The bacteria usually enter the skin in small abrasions or cuts when you are performing tank maintenance. In humans, the symptoms are usually restricted to skin and soft tissue destruction. Lesions appear, first small and purple, and gradually grow. Treatment is difficult. The bacteria can also infect bones and tendons that can feel like arthritis (Handbook of Dermatology and Venereology, chapter 16, Cutaneous Tuberculosis and Atypical Mycobacterial Infection by Dr. L. Y. Chong). Certain types of fish tend to be more prone to carrying Fish TB, such as labyrinth fishes (bettas, gouramis). The outbreak in my tank occurred after adding six female Betta splendens to a community tank.

Prevention is key to avoiding this disease since it is so difficult to cure. The immune system is usually enough to prevent an infection in healthy fish. Stress, which suppresses the body's immune system, and/or wounds in fish are most likely to allow an infection to take hold. Therefore, eliminating stress is paramount. Although aquarists don't frequently get this disease, using gloves when cleaning infected tanks is highly recommended. Starting a siphon by mouth is also a good way to expose yourself unnecessarily to the bacteria. If a tank has been infected, it is considered best to bleach it well and dry it out before restocking it.

Information in this article was obtained from several sources, an infectious disease specialist, several pathologists at the facility where I work, my veterinarian, and a medical text chapter written by Barbara Brown and Richard Wallace Jr., as well as my own experiences.


AQUARTICLES ADDENDUM, August 2003: After reading the above, Clara Brentwood sent Aquarticles the following account of her personal encounter with fish TB:

I am one of the unfortunate people who caught this Mycobacterium marinum. I had a cut on my finger and cleaned the fish tank. In December 2002, I first noticed a small bump on the inside of the middle knuckle on my left index finger. I thought I had jammed my finger.

The lesions grew, became purple, and spread around the knuckle. An orthopedic surgeon operated about the first of April 2003, and opened my finger and took a culture. He failed to get the culture to grow, so it couldn't be identified. I was on an oral antibiotic, cephalexin. Two weeks later the pus started pouring out of the wound. I went to the doctor the next day and was put in the hospital and started on intravenous vancomycin. I was in the hospital five days, then sent home with a pic line, and continued the treatment at home for another two weeks. In the meantime, I was going to hydrotherapy to keep the wound draining.

Two weeks later the nodules were still growing, the pus was worse, and my finger was swelling and looking deformed. I was put back in the hospital and started on biaxin and euthambutol. The hand surgeon operated on my finger, and gave me about a 50% chance of not losing it. She cut it down both sides and the back, and on into my hand where it was spreading. I took hydrotherapy twice a day, and was hospitalized for 13 days. The cultures came back with a diagnosis of acid fast bacillus; the infectious disease doctor thought it was water-borne from a fish.

After being discharged, I am continuing my medication for at least 6 months. My finger is deformed and will need plastic surgery when the infection is entirely gone. The bacterium destroyed my tendons and joint in the infected finger.

Finally the State of Tennessee laboratory identified this, after 3 months, and this was identified as Microbacterium marinum.

I was extremely weak and bed-ridden for a month after leaving the hospital, and still do not have my strength back. It has been three months since my second hospitilization. Some of the fatigue might be the medication.

I thought you might like to hear about how this affected me. From what I read, cases in humans are rare, so I thought I might be of some help to your research.

Infectious disease doctor - Dr. Paul Wheeler
Hand surgeon -Dr. Jane Seigel

If you would like any more information, I would be glad to supply it.

Thank you for your informative article and I hope I have been of some help to you.

- Clara Jessup Brentwood, TN 37027 Age 65 - female

Article Source

Unlikely that it will transfer, but I think you should keep an eye on the paper cut just in case.

I have never heard of people saying that all fish carry Fish TB as it is an infectious bacteria. In the article above it is noted: "Stress ... and/or wounds ... are most likely to allow an infection to take hold" in much the same way that we are more susceptable to colds, etc. when we are stressed or run down. However the bacteria would need to be present and have been introduced to the tank somehow.

HTH, Eddie
Hi to everyone that responded.

THANK YOU to all !!

I have read the responses and do feel better about this. I love my fish and as much as some sites say the fish should be euthanized I cannot bring myself to do it as I don't really know if they have it. I will keep trying to fix up my fish by other methods and see what happens. I will also keep a check on the paper cut just in case.

After my posting last night one of the 2 healthy platties just started swimming on her side and then dropped dead. This really upset me as I thought she was really healthy. She did look bloated (I thought she may have been about to give birth) so maybe she was constipated. The salt I have been adding has killed off my plants so they didn't have as much of that sort of feed. Only the feed I was giving them (tropical flakes). Or maybe it's TB I dont know.

Anyway, I will continue to keep water changes up (with gloves on I think !!) just in case and see what happens.

Is this some type of test that can be done to check for TB in the water. As a few of my fishies have died off the tank is starting to look a little bare but I cannot add any further fish in case they get infected. My plan is to let things lie as they are and try to save what I have left.

At present

6 x really happy healthy danios (no names too hard to tell apart !!)

1 x very healthy randy male guppy :wub:

1 x female guppy (not happy as the male won't leave her alone & wish I could add another female to give her a break)

1 x healthy male platty

2 x not so happy female platties (a little thinner than usual and not swimming as strong) - one has the white patches on her face

I suppose if all my fish die I can clean out the tank but what happens if I get left with say 2 - 3 fish which I cannot kill if they are healthy ... but I want to add more .. suggestions please from a real novice at this but trying to be as humane to the little fish as I can be.

My local shops don't help much and I cannot afford Vet's fees. An on-line shop suggested this product and I am waiting for it now.

Easy - Life 250ml
and their webside is

Anyone heard of that or is it just a sales pitch !!

Thanks Desley

Unfortunately there is no home test for fish TB that I am aware of. The only way is to take a dead fish to a lab and get a culture made. This can then be tested for the prescence of the bacteria involved.

randy male guppy
Is there any other kind???? :lol:

The Easy-Life products seem to be filter media/filter enhancer. I don't think this would help with TB. The only thing I know of that would kill off TB is an appropriate bactericide or antibiotic - people have apparently had success with Maracyn II.

If you do end up with a couple of healthly looking fish and want to restock the tank I would recommend getting a small tank for these fish and cycling it appropriately (have a look for the pinned topics on fishless cycling). Don't transfer any filter media, gravel or water from the existing tank. Once the new tank is ready transfer the fish to that and then dispose of the filter media, plants and gravel from the infected tank, bleach thoroughly EVERYTHING in contact with the tank water including nets, cover glass, etc. Make sure you rinse all traces of the bleach off.

Then you can set up the tank and add new inhabitants. I would not recommend transferring the fish back from the smaller tank until it has proved to be disease free for a few months, if not longer.

HTH, Eddie
Unfortunately there is no home test for fish TB that I am aware of.

Yes, there isn't. It could take lot of time to grow them first (bacteria cultures). And then they are prob. coloured and finally examined.

But you can also examine your fish at home too, but you need microscope. If fish has tuberculous, but it's healthy etc. the fish has probably "capsuled" bacterium and you see thosefocuseswith microscope.

Another way is to bring them to some lab.

The only thing I know of that would kill off TB is an appropriate bactericide or antibiotic - people have apparently had success with Maracyn II.

Fishtuberculous has developed and become quite resistant to antibiotics. And because you cannot avoid it, you shouldn't medicate your fishes either - fishtuberculous is very common disease. So, only way to avoid it (so that fish don't become sick), it is to take care of them: good water, ghange water enough and regularly, good food, vitamins etc... Also UV-C sterilizer is very good purchase.

In Europe it's hard to get any antibiotics, e.g. here in Fin you get them only with prescription and I think vets don't write those prescriptions either. Probably it is same in UK too. Reason to this, is that antibiotics are needed for human comsumption not to play with them -bacteria become easy resistant to antibiotics.
Hi Eddie,

Thank for your helpful response.

I really do not know if TB is the cause .. you know if you read symptoms you have them !!

I will try the Easy Life as it seems it cannot hurt and just keep looking after the tank as best I can (with gloves just in case).

I have been asking around a few friends etc and they also lost lots of fish as we had a terrible 3 - 4 day heatwave. It was 40 + degrees and around 30 at night so no cooling down. In F this is approx 105 days and 86 night .. following weeks of 100 odd temps.

It seems to be when my troubles started. Maybe they were just too hot and then stressed .. and then whatever their problems are now.

I might try those Maracyn II as I know I can definitely get those over here. I am in Australia if anyone is wondering.

Otherwise if they all die off (which I hope not) bar a couple, I will for sure put them in my 12 gallon eclipse tank I haven't used for some time - bleaching it first as a few fish did come from that tank.

Anyway, thanks again Eddie. Appreciate all the help ... Is there anyway I could put up a photo of my fish with the white patches and the other skinner one to see if anyone knows what it could be ?
PS. Yes male guppies do seem to enjoy life don't they :kana:

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