Fish Treats


New Member
Mar 12, 2004
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Eh up Chook!

Just a question really..

What is the perfect fishy treat they would all enjoy? :p
hmmm... depending on wether is omnivorous or carnivorous, id say a goof treat fo canivors would be shrimp or fish, for omnivors blood worms or ive heard they love algea wayfers. well thats what i think :D
Cucumber is good as well as other vegetables for omnivourous and herbivourous fish, other treats include most frozen and live foods like Brine Shrimp and Bloodworm.
I tried zuccini for the first time last night, and surprisingly the only fish in my signature liked it was my smaller bala and my convict. Strange!

But they all like Plankton as a tasty treat
I give my fish a weekly treat of 150 ghost shrimp on a saturday afternoon, they love them.

Foods like lettuce, cucumber and courgette should not be fed as treats but as a daily staple food for herbivors and omnivors and frozen bloodworms should be fed at least every other day for omnivors and small carnivors. Weekly treats should be something live that the fish will enjoy chasing around and will be good for them too, daphnia, brineshrimp and daphnia are all good treat foods.

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