Fish Transporter


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Newbury Berkshire
I have an idea that I would like to try, but before i go for it I would like some thoughts.

Would it be possible to move fish in a large plastic box using a heater hooked up to a dc-ac invertor in the boot of a car ?

I ask as I have a friend who says they would not mind picking some up for me in his car and I cant get about, so I am looking for possiblities.
Ok the simplest way is to got a fish shop and get a poly box some hole holes in but most dont.
You just fill with water add the large fish tale the lid down and it should be ok.

Or if worried you use a large plastic bag and fill up add the fish tie it up and the tape down.

If you moving several small fish bag then one to a bag tie up and lay down in the box.

With a poly box it will retain the heat so u will need to heat it.
This is same for up tp 24 hours which i have done many times
Ok thanks, so it would be ok to move 2 lutino cross and one long finned oscar in a poly box without a heater then ?
If their large it's either 1 to a box on you bad them on their own.
As when stressed they are likely to nip or fight.

I would never put multi pull fish to a bag unless it was for only 30 mins
the 2 lutino crosses are in a tank together right now, so I guess they would be ok for a short 50 mile journey ? I only have too get peter to move them to my tank, the long finned is a single and is in melksham wiltshire so that could be about an hour or so journey. Mind you the person who has it is now prevaricating a bit as to letting me have it, I am getting the " the missus says its pretty and I should keep it" bit after telling me she was the reason he was giving it away. Ahh well if i get it all the better, if not I lost nothing.

Thanks anyway

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