Fish To Go With These Guys?


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Im undecided as to what to put into my empty, 24x12x15h", 18 US gallon tank. The tank will have a group of small catfishes in it, and some other fish to fill the upper levels. For catfish, I have seen the asian stone catfish, Hara jerdoni. Its best kept in waters with a temp in the mid 70s, so from about 22 -24 deggrees centigrade. So, what sort of small fish (remeber, this catfish will only get to just over an inch) would be best for this kind of set-up. At the moment, all I can think of, are white cloud mountain minnows, thats just about as far as my coldwater knowlage goes for this size tank, so are there any other fish I could look out for?

Cheers, Mike
But Im looking for coldwater fish...Thats the title of this forum so I assume this is where I will get the best response...Any ideas fish123?
This is a type of sub-tropical fish, meaning that it is neither a true tropical or coldwater fish. Golden barbs (from the same habitat as your catfish in the wild) would make ideal tankmates;

Badis Badis would also be ideal;;articleid=2628

Bloodfin Tetras;

If you got a larger tank, then a lot more stocking options would be opened up, for example glass catfish would make good tankmates for your fish, but grow too large for an 18gal tank.
Ok thanks alot for all thos thats more than enough really! Its not a huge project, I just need to fill the tank with something new really, so all those are really good, thanks. The bloodfin tetras look really good too. Im still kinda torn between this and a normal tropical tank, ill have to have a look at what stocking ratios I could have. Thanks for the ideas :good:
Ok thanks alot for all thos thats more than enough really! Its not a huge project, I just need to fill the tank with something new really, so all those are really good, thanks. The bloodfin tetras look really good too. Im still kinda torn between this and a normal tropical tank, ill have to have a look at what stocking ratios I could have. Thanks for the ideas :good:

Glad to help :good: . There are actually a great deal of subtropical fish in the hobby, most people either put these fish in tropical or coldwater tanks not knowing that they are subtropical, but for example, most danios and corys are actually subtropical fish, as well as a great deal of loaches & catfish , numerous tetras, barbs and livebearers etc :thumbs: .
I'm currently working on creating an ideal subtropical fast flowing river type tank set up for my subtropical hillstream loaches at the moment, its going to most focus on danio's, WCMM's, and bloodfin tetras and numerous other types of loaches like Garra pingi pingi :) . When it comes down to it, a lot of fish can over-lap the the specific definitions we have for what temp ranges fish can live in, while you do get a lot of true coldwater fish, or true subtropical or tropical fish, most fishes temp ranges will over-lap these boundaries at least to a certain extent.
Yeah, I heard before about corys being sub-tropical, but I didnt know so many spcies were "officially" sub-tropical...
Guppys should be fine at that temperature, I actually know of someone that keeps them in a coldwater tank, and they breed in it!

My 28 UK gallon tank is at 24*C, There is guppys, plattys and mollys.

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