Fish To Go With My Tetras


New Member
Dec 6, 2011
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I have a group of Congo tetras and a group of Head and Tail Light tetras, also a BN pleco. I was wondering if tank size doesn't matter ( I know it does )what fish can live peacefully with my fish? ( i am also looking for a center piece fish too )

thanks in advanced
general rule - any fish that can't fit your current fish in your mouth!

however, if you post your tank size we can hopefully suggest many suitable options.

I have a group of Congo tetras and a group of Head and Tail Light tetras, also a BN pleco. I was wondering if tank size doesn't matter ( I know it does )what fish can live peacefully with my fish? ( i am also looking for a center piece fish too )

thanks in advanced

Whale shark... I hear they are very docile. They can be problematic to net though... and then there is that whole salinity thing. Maybe not such a good idea. :/

Seriously, maybe just sticking with other tetras would be good...

Bloodfins, rummynose, bleeding heart, cardinals, phantom (red or black), etc.

Or not...
Rams, apistogrammas, ...

Dwarf gouramis, honey gouramis, and pearl gourami,

Cherry barbs, five banded (not to be confused with tiger) barbs, ...

There is a huge list... what size tank and what size fish are you looking for?

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