Fish to clean algae off of plants


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
Atascadero, CAlifornia
Hi Again, I'm looking for a fish that likes to clean green spot algae, or possibly brown algae? off of plants, there is not too much of it, but unsightly, it makes the plants look like they are dying, when they're not. Would a catfish of some sort like this task?

Thanks for your help,
Brian Jagger
i have ottos in my planted tanks......they will cleant the plants without eating them to nubs :D :p B)
yup..i got a rainbow shark an 2 otos that help alot in cleaning...for me, when they seem eaten everythin...(which might not be the case because they're always finding something to eat)..i just pop in a zuchinni and rubber band it on a rock or something and my otos or rainbow shark take nibbles at it...pretty cool sight.. :cool:
Do you think that a bristlenose pleco would be a good replacement for the rainbow shark? I have an otto in my tank, and he was doing the job fine until I upped the lighting for the plants. I had a RTBS for a couple of days, but he was too aggressive for the community tank, and jumped out :( ; so I'm assuming I would have about the same experience with a rainbow shark.
probably, because my 2 otos always mess with my shark and the way the shark swims, IM like woah she can jump out the tank should keep a cover on the tank or might have to isolate the shark so it has territory for itself. It's usualy calm when they're on their own.

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