Fish Thieves Using Google Earth

I tried using google earth to find ponds. Not to steal fish of course.

This was when the story first came out a month or two ago. And I didn't do so good trying to find ponds. I found lots of trampolines though.

If they are using google earth then that's a very scary thought and makes me glad I don't have a pond.

If I did I think I'd create some sort of thin clear plastic cover that went over the top of the pond. Then have a hinged metal grid that goes over the top of that which can have a current run through it. Simply pad-lock shut and turn on at night. Hehe :shifty:
i never heard about this first time round. i really feel for anyone who lost there fish to people like this :(

I tried using google earth to find ponds. Not to steal fish of course.

This was when the story first came out a month or two ago. And I didn't do so good trying to find ponds. I found lots of trampolines though.

If they are using google earth then that's a very scary thought and makes me glad I don't have a pond.

If I did I think I'd create some sort of thin clear plastic cover that went over the top of the pond. Then have a hinged metal grid that goes over the top of that which can have a current run through it. Simply pad-lock shut and turn on at night. Hehe :shifty:
Some people :rolleyes:

I would bet the people doing this arent interested in fish at all, just out to make money and ruin someone else's hard work (building a suitable pond to keep fish healthy and look after them and all that)

Theyd have a field day by me. Theres a family in my street that has a koi pond in their FRONT garden. It is stunning, whole of the front garden is water with a bridge to their front door. I never thought about the risk of them having their fish stolen...

Ill try to get some pictures when im up that end of the street, providing they dont give me funny looks :D
People that steal fish are the scum of the earth, they should be strung up and fed to cats! I feel very strongly about this as it happened to my dad years ago. A contractor came to re-felt the garage roof (in february) he was very interested in the pond and paid great attention to making friends with my German Shepherd. 3 days after he finished the job we woke up to find my dog unconcious and the pond ransaked all the big koi and golden orfe gone and the smaller goldfish screwn over the grass frozen solid. Anyone would have known not to move the fish in the cold weather, I just hope the #### that stole my dad fish had them all die and he couldnt sell them. My dad had a heartattack from the shock from which he never fully recovered.
People that steal fish are the scum of the earth, they should be strung up and fed to cats! I feel very strongly about this as it happened to my dad years ago. A contractor came to re-felt the garage roof (in february) he was very interested in the pond and paid great attention to making friends with my German Shepherd. 3 days after he finished the job we woke up to find my dog unconcious and the pond ransaked all the big koi and golden orfe gone and the smaller goldfish screwn over the grass frozen solid. Anyone would have known not to move the fish in the cold weather, I just hope the #### that stole my dad fish had them all die and he couldnt sell them. My dad had a heartattack from the shock from which he never fully recovered.

I'm sorry for your dad having the heardattack, but wishing all them fish dead isn't really fair right?
sorry for your dad mate :(

I have to say this is clever; but bad aswell =/

i mean, it could even stop people keeping ponds =/
I'll be first in-line for giving the thieving....*ahem* people, a very nasty electric shock.

What else could you do? Short of the normal things like CCTV and motion sensor light?
I'll be first in-line for giving the thieving....*ahem* people, a very nasty electric shock.

What else could you do? Short of the normal things like CCTV and motion sensor light?

But even with alarms and the such, the owner faces going out and confronting the theives, which in any situation is not good. Especially nowadays were theives come equipped with all sorts of things :p...
CCTV might be good enough to ID the thieves, particularly if lit via infra-red.
I was about to suggest breeding killer goldfish, but thought it was in bad taste as this is genuinely quite a serious topic.
It'd be horrible to feel so targeted aswell. :(
CCTV might be good enough to ID the thieves, particularly if lit via infra-red.
I was about to suggest breeding killer goldfish, but thought it was in bad taste as this is genuinely quite a serious topic.
It'd be horrible to feel so targeted aswell. :(

Haha, or attach lazor beams to their head :p. Got to love Austin Powers :p
i heard about this before. what absolute scum of the earth. stealing a few quid is bad enough but in the pond case its more the hard work and all that would annoy me moreso than the money

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