Fish that i should add to my tank.

What fish should i get for my tank?

  • 3 male guppies and 2 albino cory

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 male guppies and 3 rams

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 albino cory and 3 rams

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
i have already made a post of the same thing but i thought it would be easier this way and if u chose other then type what other fish u think should be added to my tank.(i am going for colorful fish but no more painted fish)
BTW is there a way to delete my post before?
looks like most people want me to have 3 male guppies and 2 albino cories.....
Which ever choice has the most vote by um let's say tuesday or wednesday, will be the fishes i will get!
i wanted to have different kinds of cory and i figured out that the bronze cory and the albino cory have the same scientific name so they can school together........
2 more days! i will up load my picture as soon as i can ,cause i got a new digi cam but quality not good.....
i love rams and think that they add a lot of colour to a ram is 1 of my fave fishies....if u get some try n have a light shining into ur tank from the front or on a 45 degree angle to the front and his colours will really shine thru........pigment food also enhances their natural colour and the blue really picks up

they last about 2 yrs n grow to around 2 inches.....might be lucky if they grow to 4 inches tho

and if u get guppies try get 2 with yellow tails and 2 with bright blue tails as the colour in 1 sets off the colour in the other ;)

Tek :fish:
I'm not sure if they will school together. but can't wait on the pics. you do know you could get a scanner instead of a digi camera and it would work just the same if you had another reg. camera.

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