Fish That Dont Eat Cory Eggs?


& Oddballs
May 20, 2010
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My bronze cory is pregnant and I want to know which of my fish can stay with her
Which of these fish can stay with her and dont eat the eggs.
Neon Tetra
Penguin Tetra
Glowlight Danio
Black Neon Tetra
Congo Tetra
Silvertip Tetra
Longfin Zebra Danio
Pearl Gourami,
Rainbow shark.
Bronze Corydora
Yeah , thats not the answer I was looking for.
I agree with scotty they'll all eat the eggs given the opportunity :crazy:

You may be better setting a spare tank to breed the corys,then once they've spawned,move them out and use the tank to rear the cory fry :good:
Can I keep my 2 Neon Tetras, 2 SAE and 6 Glowlight danio with my breeding cories?
At the moment I cant afford a seperate tank and so instead I bought a tank divider.
How big is your tank?

I personally wouldn't put anything else in if you want to save the eggs,otherwise you could take the eggs out and put them in a breeder net?...
all fish will eat fish eggs, they are a quick easy snack. even the cory might have a munch on them as they show no parental love for their eggs or fry....! if you want to breed the corys then they need to be in a seperate tank and either the eggs or parents removed to protect them. its not an easy thing to do and takes lots of time and patience :crazy:
One of my guppys was having a go at my eggs before i got them somewhere safe, so i guess anything with a mouth big enough to eat/damage them
Bronze corys (C. aeneus) are better than many fish when it comes to egg eating. Even so, once their eggs hatch, the adults will think of them as they do any other live food and they will soon be gone.

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