Fish Tanks


Fish Addict
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
Hi, I was wondering for my 3 tanks if they are ok with how many fishes are in them, like are there too many fish or too little or just right :S , anybody have any answers? Because with my 10g tank sometimes it looks a bit empty and I am worried with my Tropical Tank because Angel fish grow to a very large size and I have two.
Please Help :-(
It really doesn't matter (to an extent) how many fish a tank can hold. Filtration is the key to how many fish you can have in a tank. I have .....

29 Gallon Freshwater
2 Boesmani Rainbowfish
4 Assorted Cory Cats
1 Kuhli Loach
2 Plecostomas
3 Dwarf Gouramis
5 Serpae Tetras
2 Zebra Danios
4 Red Eye Tetras
4 Marble Hatchetfish

in a tank with very few problems. I have a Hagen 200 hang on the back filter with the filter pad, De-Nitrate, and carbon in it. I have a small whiper filter with just De Nitrate in it too. I am going to upgrade to a canister filter soon. You can cram pack a tank as long as you have adequate filtration and the fish are able to swim. :D
So I guess it's ok? :huh: I mean I do water changes every 2 weeks about 25% and every other week I refill all of the water that has been evaporated. Oh, the filters also get cleaned every 2 weeks.
One more thing I'm not so good at calculating :*) so with my 100x30x30cm tanks (both of them) they would be around 200gal... i think... man this is embarressing :*)
I agree with marks

All look good except for the last one. You might want to think about getting an upgrade on the tank or move some to another smaller tank. Angel fish need plenty of room. They need at least 18"+ of length to an aquarium. And with all your other fish you may be getting crowded.
So I should remove my Angels... oh... I'll miss them. As long as it will do good in my tank I guess it's ok.
When my angels are gone that tank will be perfect right or could I add any more fish in it?
And does anyone know how large my tank is in gallons?
ok by this calculator u have a 39x11x11 (inch's) tank... wich in uk gals works out roughly 90 liters/19 gal's

in one of ur tanks this size u have 30???

and in the other u have 28?

i hope someone can double check the calculations because imo... thats alot of fish (some a decent size im guessin) in a tank too small for them....

weather u have good enough filtration or not... it will get crammped... angels can an will get to the span of ur hand(if they live no offence) they need min 18inch high tank.. ur flying foxs will get to 4inch's or more and get more aggressive as they get bigger, and ur b/plecs can get to 5inch an more....

like i said im not certain on the calculations... and im not being offencive... if someone wants to correct me then by all means go ahead... after all its just an opinion.. that could be wrong :/
Ok, I have removed my Angelfish and now I have to move my Fklying Foxes?! Oh well.
I don't have a pleco, it's a bristlenose catfish and there is a difference.
Ok so my 100x30x30 is around 20gal, thanks for the help!!!
Are all your fish babies still? cause if they are not then how do you keep all of them in a 20 gallon.

I would try to upgrade unless you want to move alot of fish out when they start to grow.

Where did you remove your angels too?
it's a bristlenose catfish and there is a difference.

a bristle nose catfish IS a pleco...

no problems on help... thats what the forums for :)

the only difference if thats what u wish to call it is the size they grow to... smaller than a common plec a bristenose can still get to 5inch's

you dont sound too worried givin away fish, i myself would be devastated alot of my money goes into my tanks, and iv upgraded 3 times just to compensate the largeish fish i stock... mine are nothin compared to big fish an i hate when i have to take them back :-(

why dont u think of gettin a larger tank, maybe save up for it? after all u have a couple of months before u need to make any drastik changes (unless they are near enough aldult size) and how i an most others see it

more tanks= more fish = more fish fun :D
Ummm well my angelfish were are about 5cm long (before I gave them back to the fish store I got them from), my Bristlenose catfish/pleco is 6cm, tiger barbs 4cm, Flying Fox 8cm, swordtail 10cm. Well most of my fish are not their full size exept for in my 10gal tank where everything in there are adults, this is because it was the first tank I ever got *so proud* but you see I wanted bigger tanks :D .
Ok a new tank sounds ok, but like you said nightlife20 I have to save up awhile. hehe. When i get the new tank which fish should I move in there? My Flying Foxes?
Ok I finally get it that a Bristlenose Catfish and a Bristlenose Pleco are the same. Thanks.
it depends on what size ur next tank is likley to be,

have a shop around.. u migh get a nice size one for a deent price

sorry i cant go into ur post anymore atm apart from that, im too tired, i did 18hrs at work yesterday and im feelin a bit run down.... time to get the old coffee machine out i reckon... not had a coffee in ages... :zz :zz
Oh yeh.... well I'm planning to get a tank 120x40x40 that cost around $220 dollars including a heater, filter, gravel, food and water conditioning. Kind of expensive but around here it's the cheapest I could find, I mean when I went to another store they sold a plastic 15gal tank for $ that's a lot.
Ok so I'm planning to put my Flying Foxes in there and mabye my Bristlenoses too. Sound ok, but for that 20gal tank I think I need to buy a algae eater because if the bristlenoses are going I don't want algae growing everywhere. Any comments or suggestions?

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