Fish Tank Hoods


New Member
Jun 18, 2004
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Stockport Nr Manchester
Hi there everyone. Im new here and i hope that someone can help me.

I bought a tank off Ebay for a bargain £9.

Trouble is, it's a non-standard size (42"X15") and im having a mare trying to get a hood for it. If push comes to shove i will make one myself from wood. But i would prefer a plastic one, like the light glo hoods or similar. The biggest thing that is putting me off making one is that i want to make sure the light fitting is safely fitted. This isnt something that you have to worry about with manufactured lids.

So......does anyone know where i might be able to get a hood 42"X15" or does anyone have any tips for hood making ?

Thankyou all most kindly.

PS I live in Stockport near Manchester. :)
check out the DIY section near the bottom of this forum, they usually have people tryign to make hoods and stuff for their tnaks :D You might have to make one yourself though if it's a custom sized tank :/

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