Fish Tank Heater Broken


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2013
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So i was messing with my fish tank overflow and i noticed my heater some how broke the glass on the heater cracked in half and fell of so the springs in side was showing. I was thinking i was very lucky i didn't get a shock. It was a 300w heater which i had for 3 years. So now my fish has been with out a heater for a day and i have been filling a coke bottle up with boiling water and putting it in the tank. So now i need to look for a new heater. I have was thinkign of buying this one
But says its only for a 200L tank when i have a 750L tank. Im guessing this would be no good ?
Also does anyone have any recomended heaters for a 750L tank ?
I was looking for a "unbreakable one "
I was thinking if i boughtt he above heater i could set the temp higher. With my old heater i set my temp at 30c and i was getting a tank temp of 28c...
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Buy a heater that is of suitable wattage for the capacity of your tank, even a 300w is only usually recommended size for tanks up to 300 litres, but at least it will switch itself off for more time than it's on, have you had a look at "inline" heaters
Nope i have never seen inline heaters, With my old 300w heater i set it to around 30c or 32c and the temp around the heater was around 30 - 32c but the rest of the tank was around 28c so i was thinking i could buy another 200w or 300w and then set it higher like i did before....
The problem is the highest watt ive seen is 300w and like you said they are recommended for 300L so im guessing i would need to find a 700w one the highst wattage ive seen is 300w....
KirkyArcher said:
It's just that to heat your tank a smaller heater will be almost constantly running,
Don't bigger tanks hold the heat iin better ?? I was told in my locla pet shop that smaller tanks lose the temp faster than bigger tank and also bigger tanks have less water problems....
Also i have a internal pump till i set my sump up so a inline one would not work i do not think.
nicky1200 said:
It's just that to heat your tank a smaller heater will be almost constantly running,
Don't bigger tanks hold the heat iin better ?? I was told in my locla pet shop that smaller tanks lose the temp faster than bigger tank and also bigger tanks have less water problems....
Bigger tanks have more surface area, and so loose more heat, that's why bigger household radiators are used in bigger rooms they have more surface area to emit more heat (best analogy I could come up with)  :)  
A 300w heater is basically only suitable to heat a tank of 300 litres.
Just having one 300w in your 750L tank meant the heater was on probably nearly all the time just to keep your tank temp at 28C despite your setting it at 30 or 32C.
I think your heater being on constantly to keep temp to regulate 750L, has meant heater wore out that much more quickly.
IMO our best bet for a 750 litre tank is to get TWO 400w heaters (or even two 500w heaters), means you can have a heater in each half of your tank. Having a heater on each half of your tank temp will be regulated much more efficiently at desired temp and heater will last much longer.
Also in the scenario of one heater breaks down, you still have one 400w heater working, will be ok for a short while until you purchase a replacement.
Do not think there is such a thing as an 'unbreakable' heater!
Ch4rlie said:
A 300w heater is basically only suitable to heat a tank of 300 litres.
Just having one 300w in your 750L tank meant the heater was on probably nearly all the time just to keep your tank temp at 28C despite your setting it at 30 or 32C.
I think your heater being on constantly to keep temp to regulate 750L, has meant heater wore out that much more quickly.
IMO our best bet for a 750 litre tank is to get TWO 400w heaters (or even two 500w heaters), means you can have a heater in each half of your tank. Having a heater on each half of your tank temp will be regulated much more efficiently at desired temp and heater will last much longer.
Also in the scenario of one heater breaks down, you still have one 400w heater working, will be ok for a short while until you purchase a replacement.
Do not think there is such a thing as an 'unbreakable' heater!
I have been lookign for a 500w tank heater but looks like they all come from china with a  us plug on.
edit i just found this one
Kirky got there before me, thats exactly the ones I was just looking at, ok abit more pricy but better quality IMO, and you'll still need two of them to  heat your 750 Litre tank efficiently.
Shop around for both 400 and 500 w heaters and see what you like best for the money.
You get what you pay for really. (that's been my experience anyway!) 

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