
New Member
Nov 23, 2003
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i have a 55 gallon fish tank i have a whisper 30 -60 and a aquatech 30 - 60 power filter on it. i also have a powerhead and a undergravell filter. I have one albino oscar a 16 inch algea eater and a very small african chiclid. My tank is SO CLOUDY i can't even see in it, i have checked the ammonia, GH, KH, PH and everything else i can think to check everything is perferct. I washed all the gravel and cleaned it before i put it in the tank the tank has been set up for about 3 weeks now and its just getting worse. I have tried water changes but they don't seem to help. Any ideas on getting this thing to look halfway decent??
I answered you question in tropical chit chat + Welcome to the Forums! GTS_01
In my opinoion Whisper Filters are the worst. I have had two. One on a 10 and one on a 20. The 20 is fine because it is a breeding tank. The 10 was horribly cloudy. I replaced it with an Aquaclear Mini and it was clear in about 4 days. My suggestion to you is replace one Whisper filter with 2 Aquaclear 500's or 2 Penguin Bio-Wheel 330's or 2 Emperor 400's. you could also try just adding an Aqua Clear 500, Emperor 400, or a Floval 404. Any combo would work great. Hope that helps.
i red somewhere that you can take gravel from an astablished tank and put about a handfull in your tank and it will help clear the fogginess?
Is the tank cycled? Do water changes make any difference at all even for a short period (how much water have you been changing?) also have you tried cleaning the glass to make sure nothing is growing on that?
i had the same problem but mine isnt a wisper filter, i had a closer look at my filter an found that it just needed a bit of a clean. :*) it was filtering in crap, and pushin crap back out cause it was chokka! mind u mines been active now for 5 weeks :)

If the tanks that bad and water changes aren't clearing it you can always look at trying to borrow or get hold of a diatom filter, that should do the trick.

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