Fish Tank Coolers


New Member
May 6, 2003
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I am looking for some sort of something to place down in my tank-water in order to cool it down for a tank that I am setting up with fish out of the streams and lakes around here. Does anyone know if there is anything out there to help me?
have you tried ice? it's cheap and plentiful, It would be trial and error to find out how much to use per day to keep the desired temp, but it might work.

I'm sure someone else will have a better idea though. :crazy:
I wrote up an idea on a Do It Yourself Cooler in this post in the DIY section of the forum (scroll down to find that part about the DIY cooler) A bunch of DIY ideas You could adapt this idea so that you don't use a sump, but instead use a powerhead or pump hooked up to a thermostat that will make it turn on at a high temp like the mid eighties, it will then pump water through a tube that runs out of the tank, through a small inexpensive refrigerator or freezer and back into the tank. You will need to buy a thermostatic controler from radioshack or other electrical supply store, should cost more than maybe 20 dollars. Read the post that I gave you a link to, and you may have your solution. If you have any more questions, just go ahead and ask away!
Im sure there would be a way to figure something out if you could get your hands on the components of an old mini fridge and had an inventive mind =)

Let me know what you figure out, I am interested ;)
marineland-man said:
Im sure there would be a way to figure something out if you could get your hands on the components of an old mini fridge and had an inventive mind =)

Let me know what you figure out, I am interested ;)
That is what my DIY is all about. :rolleyes:
thermo electric pelter systems can chage the temp upto 20 degrees fi you get a fan on the one side and stick the other side to the tank it should be able to cool a large for how you would controll the temp im shure a fridge thermostat would do fine. not shure if thats any help.
Good show Jamnog,

after all of the computer overclocking i've done I don't know why I didn't think about a peltier system. ( to think my first Idea was ice, guess I was a pint to deep to think that night) would need to very careful though. some can cool to over -20 celcius. If you anted to petlier cool it would probably be a good idea to pump water into a resorvoir tank for cooling and then pump the cold water back to the main tank. set a heater in you main tank for your desired temp and it may just work
Jamnog said:
thermo electric pelter systems can chage the temp upto 20 degrees fi you get a fan on the one side and stick the other side to the tank it should be able to cool a large for how you would controll the temp im shure a fridge thermostat would do fine. not shure if thats any help.
Pelt on glass. Sounds like a good combination for cracking glass :eek:
Maybe attaching the pelt to a block of alloy and then block inside the water.

Or better still if you have an external canister filter, you can attach the pelt onto the plastic which should be ok. Then the cooled water will be pumped into the tank.

OR if you get a pc water block, replace the barbs with whichever hose size you got. Then put the cold side onto the waterblock and a hsf on the hot side. Then you have a 100% fishtank frendly system of cooling your tank. And the pelt can be run at either 5/7/12volt of a pc psu, so you have 3 temperature settings :D
DG I thought I typed to put the pelt on a resovoir tank, not hte fish tank. a pelt on a fish tank would definatly crack the glass. connecting to an external canister filter is not a bad idea either...
Jamnog said:
you get a fan on the one side and stick the other side to the tank it should be able to cool a large tank.
To me it looked like he said stick it to the tank. Maybe i misunderstood

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