Fish Tank Builder


New Member
Apr 26, 2005
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Hi all
Does anybody know any company person that builds fishtanks in Scotland I am looking to build a new fish room and I would like the tanks made with sliding glass covers rather than the normal ones in the shops and also 3-4 of the tanks are not standard size tanks that you can buy in the shops.

BOSS also in Scotland to very good bespoke tanks too. try Windsor first, they do support our forum after all!!! :good:
Hi Boboboy
Who are BOSS? I have never heard of them before?

I was planning on buying a tank / stand from Boss but found them to be pretty bloody useless when it came to returning phone calls / emails.

Worked out for the best as instead I got my tank from Windsor and Keith was fantastic in terms of getting the tank built to spec, making last minute changes and I'm very happy with the finish.
BOSS have a fairly good rep & advertise on ebay.... have a search for large tanks & you should find them, not got their details anymore here, but could find them if you are stuck

delivery will probably kill any long distance options.
Boss are cheap for a reason, their tanks are crap!

I wouldnt touch them for all the money in the world.
Boss are cheap for a reason, their tanks are crap!

I wouldnt touch them for all the money in the world.

however others do and are more than pleased with their tanks. anyway the OP now has a link, they can judge for themselves.

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