Fish Tank Aeration


New Member
May 12, 2021
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Does this look like too much aeration/too many bubbles??
did you add anything into your tank recently? that looks like a foamy thing, not bubbles
tank stocking

it depends what fish yoiu have
10 gallons, less than 0.25ppm nitrite and 5ppm nitrate, 0 ammonia, pH 8.0 and temp 76 degrees
ok.... your nitrite is too high, but i dont think thats the reason
you dont need the air stone
do a water change
I am not sure you can have too much aeration, but I agree with the others both 1. if the bubbles are staying on top that is a sign that there might be something in the water and 2. the HOB is probably all the airation you need, your bubbler is just gravy.

Common candidates for things in the water causing foam to stick around are: soap and equivalents (even in unbelievably and unobservably tiny amounts these can make a lot of bubbles when coupled with enough aeration), or bacterial scum on the surface (common in all fish tanks even very healthy ones). The best thing for either of those is a water change. IF it is bacterial scum try to do your water change by scooping out mostly the surface water; i.e. shallow little scoops along the surface with a small container that you can empty into a larger one if you need a reservoir to accumulate your little scoops before disposal.
Hey, MT.

Extra aeration isn't harmful, but I agree that it isn't necessary. Most aeration comes from surface agitation, not from bubbles in the water, so an HOB gives you plenty. If you like the look of the bubbles, though, they don't hurt anything. The only possible problem is if you have fish (bettas, gouramis, lots of others) who don't like much water movement. But I don't think that will be a problem for mollies.

I agree that you need to get your nitrite under control; keep doing big water changes until your tank finishes cycling (nitrites and ammonia zero). I'm a bit worried about that foam, too. Are the bubbles popping almost immediately, but spreading out like that because there are just so many? Or are they lasting several seconds like soap bubbles? A quick video would help us figure out what's happening there.
That's old water. Don't worry about it. Might also be mineral content. Don't worry about it. That's a bit of a drop from the filter outlet to the water surface. That might being adding to the foamation. Some fish like lots of water agitation, others do not. How do your fish look ? Are they healthy ? Do they eat well ? If so, then don't worry about it.

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