Fish Suggestions


Fish Herder
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my fish lately. My amonia, and nitrites are 0 and nitrates are in the safe zone. However, the water in my area tends to be fairly alkiline.

Any suggestions (community type) for fish that do well between 7-8 PH?

My water is ph 8.2 out of the tap, and I have no problem keeping any fish that I have tried in it. IMO unless you have only tried very delicate fish, your PH would not have been a reason for death. Even when fish have some trouble with it, it will effect breeding, but won't kill fish outright.
Thanks CA......I'm at a loss as to what is happening here and since all other perameters looked good I thought perhaps PH.

I did have a slight ich breakout but got it quickly under control with CopperSafe but still lost a couple angels so who knows, they were fairly new and might have had issues from the start.
Are you having problems with your 42 gal. hex aquarium, using the Emperor 280 bio-wheel filter? If so, I could see 3 things. The Emperor 280 is rather small filter for the tank. Get the Emperor 400. Taller tanks have a smaller surface area to properly oxygenate the water, the Emperor 400 might help. If not, add a a bubblewand or better yet, a powerhead. The tank is a bit overstocked, but with a bigger filter and the powerhead, it should be able to support the larger bioload. But I would be concerned with the clown loaches, since they can get up to 12" in the wild. In captivity, they have been recorded to get to about 6"-8". I'm sure they will reach their full size, it's just people probably get rid of them before they get too big or the fish outlive their owners. Also, clown loaches prefer to be in larger numbers.
My ph is about 7.8 and I have never had any promblems. I agree that you need to get the 400. You could also get a canister like a fluval 404 are something. The cansters will cost more but they are worth it IMO.

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