Fish Stressed By Filter?


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
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As a partial follow-up to my first thread, I just recently moved my fish into a new aquarium. At the recommendation of the fish overlords at PetSmart and one overly excited guy in the aisle, I picked up a Marineland 200b to go with my 20g tank. After a couple days, I noticed that my fish refuse to come out of the side opposite the filter unless it is turned off. This seems to be stressing out my red minor tetras, since they stopped eating and are losing their color. The flow from the filter is quite strong, so I'm not sure if just trying to redirect it would be enough. I stuck a net in front of the output to see if it helped, and they started to venture out a little more, but no where near like before. I just turned the filter off, and within 2 minutes they were swimming all over the tank having a blast with all the extra room.

Would something like a Tetra Whisper EX offer similar filtering abilities while having a gentler flow? I know it's a silly comparison, but they seem much happier with the gentle waterfall of my old Aquaclear 20 than the firehose blast of this Marineland beast. If not the Tetra, any recommendations on a good filter that doesn't flow like niagra falls into the tank?

Most filters have an adjuster for water flow,have you tried turning it down?

Why don't you invest a small external like a tetratec ex600 or ex700,these have a flow bar on can be adjusted through the on/off taps on the can simply add your mature media to the canister to clone it.

I find the externals are less hassle than internals :)
Most filters have an adjuster for water flow,have you tried turning it down?

Why don't you invest a small external like a tetratec ex600 or ex700,these have a flow bar on can be adjusted through the on/off taps on the can simply add your mature media to the canister to clone it.

I find the externals are less hassle than internals :)

Sadly, this filter cannot be adjusted as best as I can tell.

I'll take a look at one of those externals when I return my current filter.
Most filters have an adjuster for water flow,have you tried turning it down?

Why don't you invest a small external like a tetratec ex600 or ex700,these have a flow bar on can be adjusted through the on/off taps on the can simply add your mature media to the canister to clone it.

I find the externals are less hassle than internals :)

Sadly, this filter cannot be adjusted as best as I can tell.

I'll take a look at one of those externals when I return my current filter.
i like the aqua clear those are great filters
Most filters have an adjuster for water flow,have you tried turning it down?

Why don't you invest a small external like a tetratec ex600 or ex700,these have a flow bar on can be adjusted through the on/off taps on the can simply add your mature media to the canister to clone it.

I find the externals are less hassle than internals :)

Sadly, this filter cannot be adjusted as best as I can tell.

I'll take a look at one of those externals when I return my current filter.
i like the aqua clear those are great filters

I run a 29G tank with 2 aquaclear 200 filters in it. They are adjustable and I love them!
Most filters have an adjuster for water flow,have you tried turning it down?

Why don't you invest a small external like a tetratec ex600 or ex700,these have a flow bar on can be adjusted through the on/off taps on the can simply add your mature media to the canister to clone it.

I find the externals are less hassle than internals :)

Sadly, this filter cannot be adjusted as best as I can tell.

I'll take a look at one of those externals when I return my current filter.
i like the aqua clear those are great filters

I run a 29G tank with 2 aquaclear 200 filters in it. They are adjustable and I love them!
Aside from it seeming to want to die, and the fact it never reprimes after losing power, my old Aquaclear has been pretty good to me. I like the adjustability, but I really want/need the auto-prime option since I tend to lose power a couple times a month during summer/fall just long enough for the pump to drain. Every time I lose power I have to come home and cross my fingers the pump isn't dead for good. I picked up a Tetra Wisper EX from a local fish place I completely forgot about. It still isn't perfect, but it seems better than the Marineland. If nothing else, I can pick up another Aquaclear and a UPS for a pc to keep it running when the power goes out :)
If I can't kill an AC you would have to really go above & beyond to do it. Keep the water level up in the tank & it will reprime when the power comes on. I've run them much longer than a weekend with the pickup tube disabled.

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