Fish Stores Near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire


New Member
Aug 29, 2008
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Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and I'm currently setting up my tank and thinking of stocking it. I'd like to know of any recommendations for fish stores around Huddersfield/Halifax/Leeds. I've looked at the directory and the nearest are Manchester.

I've found the Quality Koi Co. in Brighouse which seem to have a pretty good selection, reasonable prices and clean tanks. I would like to know if there are any other good stores around?


My old local QSS in Bradford.
and Tingley Tropicals a little further out in Wakefield
I live in Northern Ireland now but how I miss those old haunts
Thanks BigC, I will take a look at those two. Hopefully not too far away to stress out any fish bought.
yes both of the above are good

interfish in osset are brilliant for marines, paws for thought on york road are pretty good all round (one of their staff is a regular on this forum so you can get decent advise from them),
There used to be a big place near the cinema on that little retail complex (Leeds Road???). Not sure if it's still there as i'm going back a couple of years. :good:
There used to be a big place near the cinema on that little retail complex (Leeds Road???). Not sure if it's still there as i'm going back a couple of years. :good:


yeah, it's just down the road from where I live, it's called 'The Living World' we call it the living death :/

It's a bloody massive store and you can't beat their prices and stock selection on equipment, hardware etc anywhere around here, however if you like fish at all I would not recommend you to go and look at their livestock.

I've been in and seen an angel with hole in the head so badly it only had half a face left, still for sale. Seen them actually scoop dead catfish out of the tank and sell it to someone 'It's just sleeping' :X

I've left that place literally in tears before over the state of their livestock.

Got shut down a few years back for keeping an actual crocodile/alligater in a show tank......... then re-opened under new management but exactly the same staff etc so the stores as bad as it ever was.
Oooh other people from near Leedsish :p

I'm from Wakey, not many good fish stores round here, the only one nearby is alright, has a decent selection but the care given to fish isn't brilliant (eg 12inch+ plec in a 120l tank :() I'll have to try Tingley Tropicals, its literally down the road from me :)
Does anyone know what happensd to Transcontinental Goldfish Company... is it still alive
There used to be a big place near the cinema on that little retail complex (Leeds Road???). Not sure if it's still there as i'm going back a couple of years. :good:


yeah, it's just down the road from where I live, it's called 'The Living World' we call it the living death :/

It's a bloody massive store and you can't beat their prices and stock selection on equipment, hardware etc anywhere around here, however if you like fish at all I would not recommend you to go and look at their livestock.

I've been in and seen an angel with hole in the head so badly it only had half a face left, still for sale. Seen them actually scoop dead catfish out of the tank and sell it to someone 'It's just sleeping' :X

I've left that place literally in tears before over the state of their livestock.

Got shut down a few years back for keeping an actual crocodile/alligater in a show tank......... then re-opened under new management but exactly the same staff etc so the stores as bad as it ever was.
Sounds like a grim place - a shame as it looked pretty good from the outside. Glad i never actually went in now! :rolleyes:
It's a bloody massive store

oh oops..... not real rude words though is it?!

Does anyone know what happensd to Transcontinental Goldfish Company... is it still alive

no, but let me know where they were/are located and I'll have a hunt around for you if you like, we like trying out new fish shops, it's a bit of a saturday afternoon passtime for us :lol:

Sounds like a grim place - a shame as it looked pretty good from the outside. Glad i never actually went in now! :rolleyes:

potential to be a brilliant shop, i don't know who they get their supplies from, you can get anything you want there, rare imports etc, just a shame they have absolutely no clue what they are doing with them and as such anything you do get is likely to be disease riddled and wipe out your whole tank :/
cool, might take a trip down there one day!

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