fish stores in canada??


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
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hi there guys,

i am trying to find online stores or sites that offer saltwater fish and saltwater products that originate in Canada

most of everything i find is US based companies with shipping the continental US only. :crazy:

can anyone head me in the right direction?


fI$H_FaCe said:
hi there guys,

i am trying to find online stores or sites that offer saltwater fish and saltwater products that originate in Canada

most of everything i find is US based companies with shipping the continental US only. :crazy:

can anyone head me in the right direction?



I use Big Al's do a google they are a number of great stores in the Toronto area and they have online shopping.
Hi. Not sure where you live but you should look around for a Big Als or a PetSmart etc. There's all kinds of stores around the GTA. For specific online sites, check out and Both of these places are based in Canada and have canadian prices etc. I haven't ordered from either one but Big Als is a large chain, and I have heard good things about
Also, if you live in the GTA then has lots of used equipment, fish, plants and anything else fish related for sale under the aquarium items only page.
Ottawa has several stores, and Kingston has some as well. That's the general area I am from so if you live outside this area, maybe someone else will post who lives closer to you. Hope this helps.
hey cujoho78, what are the good stores in Kingston??...I dont live there now, but im origianlly from there and go home often..

I agree, Ive been to one Big Als, and was impressed at their store...but im not sure if they deliver fish, just equipment...Im in Guelph, and we only have a Petsmart, which is decent enough...the staff isn't the most knowledgable sometimes about fish, seeing as most are just kids, but they do their best.

hey cujoho, maybe you can help me out...Im looking for light reflectors for flourescents, but they do not have them at Big Als. Have you even seen these here? thanks
Hi Ryeguy. Stores in Kingston... I went to Kingston one day i was passing through in August. First place i went was Petcetera. It's on Princess just west of the Cataraqui center mall. First thing i noticed about it was that it is really expensive. So i wasn't that impressed. Simple things like water conditioner were double in price to other places i have been for the same thing. But they did have quite a bunch of stuff there and the tanks and fish looked healthy. I thought the kits they had there were very lacking though. Many people consider Pet Paradise to be the best pet store in Kingston. It's at 292 Bath Rd. on the north side next to Swiss Chalet. They have all kinds of fish... lots of tanks including some real cool saltwater fish that i have never seen before. But i'm sort of a newbie so maybe you wouldn't find it as exciting. Also there is a place called Roy's pet store but i haven't found that one yet and don't know too much about it. Have to look that one up in the phone book.
As for the reflectors, i am not sure. Like i said, i'm sorta new to this hobby and only really came across the reflector issue when i read your other post earlier. If you were into DIY maybe some custom mirror work would do a good job? Have you checked out I don't recall seeing them on there but they might have some stuff that you can't get in store. Also, if you haven't been already, go to it's a great site for fish stuff. They have links to aquarium only sections for buy/sell and a lounge on the right side of the main screen. It's pretty local to the GTA so if you asked there people could give you some better answers.
Also, maybe you could help me. Do you know how much a 55gal glass aquarium is including the plastic lids and lights bulbs is at PetSmart or Big Als? I was at a PetSmart and Big Als in Ottawa about a month ago and thought i saw one at PetSmart for $160 but i wasn't sure if it included the hoods or not. I'm looking to buy one this weekend. The Big Als i was at i couldn't find the price for just an aquarium and the lids. Thanks.
There's a GREAT Big Al's down in Oakville, one in Brampton and another in Mississauga, none would be very far from Guelph. I prefer the Brampton or Oakville ones though.
Hey thanks for the info on kingston, ill check it out in a couple weeks when im back!

Im also a newbie, so im not too sure on aquarium prices and the such, but 160 could be including lid and lights...hard to say...Ive been checking out for some used tanks...can find some really good deals on there, so just looking for a small hospital/fry tank and there are plenty in the GTA on that site.

about the reflectors, i know Big Als doesn't have any...and i havent seen them anywhere but in the UK...I could do a do it yourself ...but im actually looking to build a DIY second flourescent light for my tank to help my plants...and i liked to one made on the other thread, as it would fit my hood perfectly.

thanks for the info!...if you here any good deals in ontario, id love to know for sure...if i hear anything about the tanks ill let you know
boozybears, ive only been to the one in Kitchener...which is the closest to me...but id have to check them out to compair!

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