Fish store rant


Mar 7, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales
You may remember a while back that I ranted about a fish store I found that had hundreds of dyed fish in it. The link to this is Here

Well, I found out today that one of the people working there is on my course in college and we got into a conversation about fish (since we were cleaning one of the college tanks together). Somehow in this conversation she mentions the pet store and boasts that in the four years she's worked there they've NEVER cleaned the tanks. I couldn't believe it... I asked her why and she said "we have loads of plecos for sale so we don't need to clean the tanks - they do it for us!"
Well, I was going to suggest that running a shop that way, they probably wont be around long. Then I re-read your post and realized she has worked there FOUR YEARS ????? If it is this bad, why would anyone buy from them and keep them in business this long? Hopefully, she's just not aware of the tanks being cleaned (crosses fingers)......
4 years and they havn't cleaned the tanks once!

what type of fish do they specialise in...the dead kind?
i found one this weekend that sounds similar. i was in on sat evening and they had what must have been a new shipment, i just ran in left the kids in the car and got 2 female bettas(only place in town i could find females) their bettas are actually kept in bowls that hold about a quart, which is better than the cups, but notices all the tanks pretty full and not many people shopping. so sunday after church i wanted to go see what they had and went straight after church. there was not many fish left, and still very few people shopping, but they tanks when i started looking were disgusting. there were several tanks to dirty you couldn't see the fish unless they were right at the front glass. won't be going back there anytime soon. yuk :crazy:

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