Fish Stocks


New Member
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham England
HI All

I've been doing research into what types of fish and ammounts of fish to put into my tank and this is the list i've compiled.
I have a 27gal tank (uk)

Zebra Danios (6) they are in the tank now cycling it and doing fine.

Glowlight Tetra (6)

Oto Cats (4)

What do you think to this list is there too many fish will they get on can i add some more :hyper:

it would probably be alright to add some more. some small cories would be good, like pygmy cories
or a bristlenose pleco
i'm not sure though. i'm not an expert on stocking levels :huh:
Your list is ok but not perfect. With not perfect I mean temperature needs:
Otos: 20-25C (
Danios: 18-24C (
Glowlights: 24-28C (

So you might find it difficult to find right temperature for all of these species. Could you think of changing glowlights to some other species? Neons? If you decide to keep temperature low then you could add few spotted hillstream loaches. Thought otos will keep your tank clean of algaes.

I wouldn't worry too much about temp, if you keep it around 23/24 everyone will be happy. The temps for each species listed is their "optimal range" the lower/higher end of that not being evil. Temp would only really posse a problem if you added something like a white cloud minnow/gold fish to that list.
... or wanted to breed them.

Consider some (4-5) dwarf cories or golden dwarf barbs or harlequin rasboras or black phantom tetras as extra fish :D
To breed them you would need a seperate tank :p

Cories are awesome, I've got peppered and some pandas on the way! They're so animated :wub:
Hi Taz. I'd recommend some leopard danios. Mine are really pretty and liven up the tank with their antics :p They are very active and wake the other fish up. Don't seem to be aggresive. I've got 4 although you're sposed to have a shoal of at least 6 but my tank is up to capacity so am looking for a bigger set up. The smallest danio gets bullied by the other danios so he's taken to hanging out with the glowlight gang. Safety in numbers logic! :flex:

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