I was simply wondering how many black neon tetras would be too much in a heavily planted 120 litre aquarium (aquarium 1)?
I have stocked it with 10 alongside 4 Corydoras and they have been doing fine for the past year.
The problem is, I have a separate 120 litre aquarium (aquarium 2) with another 5 black neon tetras that I'd like to transfer to aquarium 1. Would this be a wise move or would aquarium 1 become over-stocked?
I have stocked it with 10 alongside 4 Corydoras and they have been doing fine for the past year.
The problem is, I have a separate 120 litre aquarium (aquarium 2) with another 5 black neon tetras that I'd like to transfer to aquarium 1. Would this be a wise move or would aquarium 1 become over-stocked?