Fish Stock (( Newbie))


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Aug 12, 2004
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Rate Member posted 13-08-2004 01:09 AM
Hi , Just got my first aqurium !!!

Im in the process of cycling and all is going to plan.

My PH is High At 8.2 and my Water is Hard
i dont want to mess about with changing it if possible ?

i have a 60 litre tank 61x30x32 and am planning my fish ,

6 zebra danios
5 Dwarf Neon Rainbow or Neon Tetras (Recomend ?? )
2 Pepper Catfish
1 Sucker Mouth Fish

Will i need to change water quality ???
If so How ??
And do the fish look compatiable ???

i would very much apreciate your answer
what do you mean by "suckermouth fish"? Do you have a pic or scientific name? If you mean a plec, then most get too large for your tank.

the peppered catfish, if it is a corydoras which i think it is, should be kept in a shoal of at least four.

you could ask your lfs what pH and hardness theirtank water is - if it is the same as yours, teh fish will already be acclimated to it and all will be good.
if you are talking about a pleco when you say suckermouth catfish i would recommend a bristlenose pleco as they dont get too big. like clutterydrawer said cories like to be in shoals of four of more and if you got some neon tetras they would probably prefer to be in a bigger shoal than 5. just make sure you dont overstock and only get a few fish at a time. you dont want to dump a whole lot of fish in and then something goes wrong and they all die. its happened to me and it isnt a great way to start!
Thanks , Ill think ill lave the ph where it is and as my lfs is just down the road from me the water is proberbly the same so fish should be ok

so if i increase the pepers to 4 and dont have any rainbows would that be better

6 zebra danios
4 Pepper Catfish
1 Sucker Mouth Fish (small)

and maybe a Simese fighter ????

I do appreciate your help here
I wouldn't go with the siamese fighter, I don;t think it would be happy with the zebra danios as they are so hyper, and occasionally nip fins.
dazzx said:
so if i increase the pepers to 4 and dont have any rainbows would that be better

6 zebra danios
4 Pepper Catfish
1 Sucker Mouth Fish (small)

and maybe a Simese fighter ????

I do appreciate your help here
If you are going to have the betta then you shouldn't have the
zebra danios, as they will shread the fins of any lonfinned fish.

Still need to know what type of suckerfish you want
zebra plec maybe ?

if not a betta then what could you recomend for some colour ?
do you know how expensive zebra plecs are? I saw one going for £80 once. how about ottos? they are suckermouth fish but only get to 2".
ottos wpuld be a good choice thanks ,

What can i add for a bit of colour , guppys maybe ?

be nice to inject a bit more colour
guppys are nice for colour, so are tetras. if you get guppys only get males unless you have the capacity to deal with infinite numbers of fry.

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