Fish Species - what to add next?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2004
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I have 4 platies in my tank and about ready to add the next group of fish... any suggestions on good playmates for them? Need hardy fish who will be nice community fish.

Do I have to wait until algae starts to grow in the tank before I add a bottom feeder? Just curious.
Maybe get a few cories, albinos ones are the best, and get some sinking wafers by Hikiari and the corys love them well at least mine do

How big is your tank?

According to this website the ideal playmates would come from this group Ideal tank mates include: Other Livebearers, Tetras, Rasboras, Rainbowfish, Danios, Angelfish, Gouramis, Plecos, and scavenger Catfish.
So almost anyone would do.

Hope this helps.

O by the way my platys are with tertra angels gouriamis, corys, Plecos, and danios. And they are doing fine
all good suggestions, except for the angelfish, which I believe would crowd the tank and need a decent amount of space. Could be attempted if that's 25 UK gallons, but that's your choice ...

let me add cherry barbs and midwater catfish to the mix. the platies would probably be ok in a brackish environment with bumblebee gobies or FW flounder, too
well in my 25G, i got 10 white clouds, 3 female bettas, 1 guppy and 3 oto cats.

Obvoiusly it really depends on what kind of fish you like. Maybe some bottom feeders would be good too (otos do an excellent job at eating algae) :D how about some schooling fish like tetra?
Yea like they said, It all depends mainly on the size of the tank. I would also say no on the angels because they can become very aggresive and they might want to feed on the smaller fish. Gouramis will always be my choice.
see my sig.
but gotta love the white clouds, i think they look like lil trout velvet sword tails are cool too, just make sure ya get more females then males...and my cardinal tetras school with the white clouds too.....

good luck, i love my mickey mouse platties!!!!!

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