Fish sitting my neighbors goldfish


Jun 13, 2004
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Somewhere on the East Coast of the good ole' USA!!
So I'm laying on my couch taking a nap this afternoon when I get woke up by a knock on the door. It's one of my upstairs neighbors. She's in the process of moving out, and on top of that she's in the navy and getting ready to go out to sea for a month.

Well, she asked me if I could watch her goldfish for her while she is out. I'm like, yea, no problem. She said, "Ok. I'll bring them down in about an hour." Here I am thinking, she'll bring them down? What size tank is this?!!

So about an hour later she knocks on the door and there she is with a 10 gallon tank about 1/3 the way full with 4 goldfish!! :crazy: "So how long have you had these?", I ask. About 4 years! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: "I'm just waiting for them to die", she says, "but my daughter is so attached to them." I told her, "Well, if you continue to keep all 4 of them in that tank, the aren't going to last too much longer." Then I went on to explain that goldfish need 20 gallons a peice, and told her about the myth of goldfish growing to the size of their tank. She didn't like the idea of having an 80+ gallon tank though.

Maybe I'll see if I can talk her into letting me take them over to my friends house to put them in his wifes 140 gallon pond. I have a 10 gal that's already up and running that I can move the occupants and put 2 of them in there, but that's the best I can do for them.
Its a good idea to move two out and even better if she will let you put them into a pond. How big are they now? for two years they should be around 6 inches long.
keep us posted on how they do and hope you get them a better home :)
They are between 2-3 inches without the tail. 6 inches for 2 years? She said she has had them for about 4 years so how big should they be? I have no experience with goldies. I'll play some musical tanks later on today and turn off the heater that is in the other 10 gal before moving 2 of them over.
at four years they should really be nearly fully grown and depending on genetics that would be a minimum of 8 inches.

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