Fish Shops In Leicester Please Tell Me Some/ Young Fisher Help


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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please tell me some fish shops in leicester and what they sell and possibly a link would be great

for a trip that may happen in september with the parents to buy with my birthday money
you wanna PM youngfisher :)

or im sure he will pop by =]
do you know any bagu and will wait for him to see the thread long time yet
cool thanks a bunch
please tell me some fish shops in leicester and what they sell and possibly a link would be great

for a trip that may happen in september with the parents to buy with my birthday money

best shop in Leicester is Leicester Aquatiics, 332 Welford Road, owner works in there and knows everything, friendly guy.
Leicester aquatics are pritty good, but dont have a wide selection.
Personally I get put off that shop, I dont know why.
I wont say my personal reasons as they are not valid reasons.
Bae - I take it yor looking for marine?
Clearwater Aquatics has a huge selection of corals + fish.
Ocean Commotion are ok aswell, but it all depends on how many shops you want to visit.
As Clearwater is one side of town, and ocean + leicester aquatics are the other side of town.
If you nip over to Ocean, you might aswell pop into Leicester Aquatics as its litrally round the corner.
Do you need to know anymore?

thanks that everything i need thanks
yeh i was over and visited clearwater aquatics some of the stuff seemed a bit pricey but all seemed top quality. definately an impressive shop when you see the frag tanks
Yeah, its pritty cool.
I carnt really comment on the overpricing thing as I dont know the prices for things.
They have a fair few frags in, a nice set up if you ask me.
Its by far the best marine section in leicester anyway.
Did you buy anything from there owl?

Fair enough.
How did they get them back to ireland?
I just came back from ireland, flew to shannen.
Went over to county claire, as my family own some hotels over there.
They offered me a job over there, but I had to come back, Im moving there in a couple of years though.
To the south im afraid though, not the north.


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