Fish Selection


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2004
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Well I waited two days and put established media (extra sponge) into the new filter, I hope its long enough and tomorrow I'm going to get fish!
So I was thinking:
6 neon tetra
2 albino cory
2 otto's

It's a 10 gallon tank. Thats what my idea was, but anybody else have some interesting combo's I could try? Think this fills the tank in well, or is there something I should change?

Dwarf puffers are aggressive... at least from my experience and what I was told by people who had experience raising them.

If you maintain good lighting and water quality, you won't have too much algae. You should try keeping more corydoras because they are gregarious and prefer being in groups and you should remove one or both algae eaters.

Make sure you buy a variety of foods for all your fish! :D
:lol: Then, n/m. However, keeping these fish limits what else you can have, but it makes for a good oddball species tank.
thanks for the help

so you think algae wont be a big issue? i was actually opting for more cory's instead of ottos because I like the cory's and have two already in my other tank

what do you mean by food variety? i usually just use flakes, shoud I be feeding them other things??
If you feed them a varied diet, the may be healtheir or happier :) I feed mine bloodworms or brineshrimp or krill, or a mix :D
So anymore sudgestion for complete different setups for a 10 gallon?

I have another 10g going and have livebreeders (mollies) so I'm steering clear of that idea, but anythign else?

Thanks for the help though!
Adding all those fish at one time could defintely cause you problems. Good Luck. I learned that you have to be patient. (We lost about 20 fish in 1-2 weeks in our 150 gal).

I hope your tank has cycled. If not I would definetly be careful about adding fish.

Some puffers are brackish (somewhat salt) might want to check before adding any Puffers.
He's cycling it by adding filter media from an established tank :)

I would probably forgo the ottos and have more cories. The reason for this being that i once had two albino cories by themselves and found that they didn't seem as active and happy as cories in bigger groups.

If you really want ottos, couldn't you move the two cories from you current tank into your new tank, and put ottos in the first tank?
well the only reason i wanted ottos is because of alage concerns. I dont think I have to worry too much about alage as a little can be expected. I had mollies in the other tank and they seemed to nip at the alage on the leaves...maybe with this tank though i was thinking that i'd need some algae eaters although I'd prefer corys because they are more entertaining in there.
Instead of albino cories, I'd suggest a smaller cory species like the panda. Albinos are the albino of the bronze cory which are bigger than the pandas. Then you could get the 3 cories in more easily.

In my 10g I have 2 rams and had 5 neons in there with them but I don't remember why I moved them to my big tank :p Any small, peaceful schooling fish would make a nice dither fish for rams - I was thinking of maybe harlequin rasboras...
When I got my first 10 gallon tank, I got:
3 Guppies (1 male, 2 females)
2 Angels
and 4 neons

The guppies bred quite quickly, so it work out very well. You dont really need to worry about the alge, just don't put the tank next to a window.
I dont have any algae eaters in my tank but i find that I dont' get algae any more - I did at first, but not nwo teh tank has settled down. I do have ltos of live plants though.

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