Fish selection suggestions?


New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Jacksonville, Florida
I have a tropical freshwater aquarium (46 gallons) with the following fish...

1 pleco
1 Whitetip Shark (catfish)
16 neons
2 cories
2 dwarf gouramis
1 male betta

I would like to add a few striking or interesting/ unusual fish that would be compatable with this selection.

I think the neons hamper my selction, maybe I should return them?

Any ideas? Thank you!
Well first I would suggest getting more cories. They enjoy groups! I would get 4-6. Secondly, you have a lot of neons! That isn't a problem, but some of the cooler fish might eat them! I would suggest some different types of gouramis. Some of them are pretty cool! You could always try to find a rare/fancy pleco. I assume the one you have is just a typical black common? They are some really interesting ones out there! Good luck!

Thanks Mike

I took the plunge today and returned my neons, getting full credit for them.

I replaced them with 8 columbian tetras and 1 angel fish.

If the angel fish behaves I plan to get a couple more. The columbian tetras are certainly lively, and the gouramis seems to feel the need to stand up to them. I'll give it a couple of days to see how it works out.

Yes, I like Gouramis, might get a couple more of them, also plan to get another white tip shark.

Point taken about cories, I'll do that too. My pleco is the common variety, but I heard more than one is not advisable?

With that I should be fully stocked.

Wadja think?
Good luck with the new fish. I would also recommend an L-number Plec.

Pay a visit to Scroll down to L in the scroll on the left hand side and you will see loads of L... numbers. Have a look at some and see if anythin takes your fancy. :)
Awesome - sounds like you have it figured out! Well, since the commons can grow HUGE, having more than one would probably not be a good idea. However, some of the smaller varities would suit your tank nicely! Good luck with the angels.


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